Selasa, 12 Agustus 2014

Review: Garnier Sakura White Day Cream SPF 21/PA+++

Good day everyone!

Today I'm gonna make a review about Garnier Sakura White Day Cream SPF21/PA+++. I already have this product since mei or june, I forgot when exactly I bought this product. I purchased it immediately when I saw this product at department store without think twice in order to make my face looks brighter and healthier and it only costs idr 19.000! Super cheap right? So, does Garnier Sakura White work well for my skin? Let's check my review. 

Garnier Sakura White promise that you can get pinkish radiant skin just like sakura flower in only 4 weeks.
 It comes in a jar packaging with soft pink color. I love the packaging, it's so cute ^^. Sadly This Product doesn't come with spatula so make sure you wash your hand well before using this garnier sakura white.
It also has SPF21/PA+++ to protect your skin from the harmful UVA and UVB. SPF only protects our skin from UVB and PA stands for protection grade of UVA (UVA light is caused by aging factors) system and is the Japanese measurement of sun protection, which is based on the Persistent Pigment Darkening (PPD) reaction reading at 2-4 hours of sun exposure.  PA is a protective level of strength to mark the three PA+, PA++ and PA+++.(Resource:

 The cream itself has soft pink color and sakura scent (maybe, since I don't know how sakura smells like). This one which comes in a jar and has SPF has thick consistency and has texture similiar with mousse. I heard that the one that comes in a tube is lighter and for oily skin, this one which comes in a jar and has SPF is supposed for normal to dry skin (this explains why my face became oily in only 2 hours).

(oh my face T_T)

It blends easily and absorb fast on skin. Garnier sakura white gives instant brightness when applied. It doesn't give sticky feeling like usual day cream when applied. After applied it my face began to oily around 2 or 3 hour (I have super oily face since I graduated from high school I don't know why). My face became smoother and brighter after I applied this cream but the effects will vanish after washed off. And I don't see any improvement in my skin tone and dark spots (or acne scar spot) I had used it for around 1 month. While using this cream somehow I got pimples around my forehead and cheek. I was thinking that maybe not this cream that cause my acne but when I stopped using this product the pimples were reduced. I have read many good reviews about this product but maybe this product is just not for me. If only this cream didn't break me out I would still happily using it until now.

What I like:
-nice scent
-make my skin looks brighter
-make my skin smoother
-can cover a bit of my redness

What I dont't like:
-it got me pimples
-the brighter effect only temporary
-doesn't come with a spatula

Will I repurchase this product? I think no :) 

Well, have any of you tried this Garnier sakura white? I would love to know your experience with this product!

Melissa Y

Disclaimer: I bought this product with my own money and the review is my honest opinion about this product. It may works different with different skin condition.

Sabtu, 09 Agustus 2014

Cultusia Skin Exfoliator Review

Hai lovelies! Setelah lebih kurang 1 tahun lebih vakum dari dunia blogging akhirnya aku mutusin buat nulis blog lagi karena aku kangen banget sama nulis-nulis review dan sharing tentang apa aja T_T
Waktu itu aku pikir mau vakum bentar aja menjelang Ujian Nasional, tapi abis UN aku kerja buat ngisi waktu liburan dan selesai itu aku kuliah (sekarang udah semester 3 xD). Dan sekarang aku akan berusaha untuk mulai aktif nge-blog lagi yeaaaayyyy (kuliah itu sibuk T_T). 

Nah langsung aja ke reviewnya ya. Bagi yang hobby eksfoliasi kulit baik pake peeling gel ataupun scrub wajib coba produk ini. Peeling gel umumnya harganya agak mahal (buat mahasiswa kaya aku ugh) dan kalau scrub umumnya kasar dan bikin kulit merah-merah atau kurang oke buat ngangkat sel kulit mati (baca: daki). Akhirnya setelah cari kesana kemari produk peeling yang oke dan murah meriah aku ketemu Cultusia Skin Exfoliator. Produk ini bener-bener produk favorit aku! Fungsinya sama kaya peeling gel. Dan satu lagi, Cultusia ini produk lokal  dengan harga terjangkau loh ^^ 


Warnanya putih, dan baunya aneh kalo menurutku ==' itu sendok aku yang masukin supaya gampang kalo mau ambil produknya ^^

Teksturnya agak mirip gel dan watery dengan sedikit scrub halus.

Cara pakainya cukup dengan digosok secara melingkar pelan-pelan dan, voila! Sel kulit mati a.k.a daki rontok semua tanpa bikin kulit celekit-celekit dan merah-merah. Butiran scrubnya juga ga kasar kaya scrub pada umumnya. Cara kerjanya aku bilang lebih mirip peeling daripada scrub. 
Aku ga kasih foto before after soalnya aku ga ngerasa ada perbedaan tone kulit setelah pake ini, yang terasa kulit lebih halus aja. Mungkin harus pake rutin baru efek lebih cerahnya keliatan ya. 

Overall aku puas banget sama produk ini ^^. Bisa ngerontokin daki secara efektif tanpa bikin kulit sakit2 kaya pake scrub. Harganya juga terjangkau banget, kemasan isi 1000ml harganya sekitar 120rb atau 130rb aku agak lupa, tapi karena waktu itu lagi diskon aku dapet dengan harga cuma 90.000 ^^. Cultusia ini juga ada kemasan kecilnya yang 200ml dan harganya 40.000, jauh lebih mahal daripada yang ukuran besarnya. Jenisnya juga ada macam2, aku beli yang pomegranate n milk. Belinya di mall Citraland Jakarta, aku lupa nama counternya nanti kalo aku pergi kesana lagi bakal aku cek. 

Yang aku suka:
-Ampuh buat ngerontokin daki
-Gak sakit dan perih di kulit
-Scrubnya halus

Yang aku ga suka:
-Baunya aneh huek

Ada yang udah pernah coba produk ini? ^^ 

Melissa Y

Disclaimer: Review yang ditulis adalah pendapat saya secara jujur. Saya membeli produk dengan menggunakan uang saya sendiri.

Minggu, 13 Januari 2013

Little update from me

Hi everyone!

I know it has been a long time since I wrote my last post. Anyone miss me? :p
Lately I've been so lazy and I just spend my time playing game (I'm a gamer and I can spend a whole day just for playing game) and holiday atmosphere really made me became super lazy.
Oh and happy new year! I know it's super late, but better late than never!
In this year I will be super busy because I will face National Exams, so yeah I shall write rarely. I promise I will back with review soon! I got many things to write but I'm just to lazy T.T

So I think that's all, thanks for stopping by
Love, Melissa

PS: My blackberry broken around two weeks ago so I lost some contacts ><, and I'm really sorry for not replying bbm T.T

Selasa, 25 Desember 2012

Merry Christmas!!

Hi everyone ^^
On this post I just wanna wish you all merry Christmas and happy holiday :D


Sabtu, 22 Desember 2012

Event Report: ZAP Fashion & Beauty Talk

Hai semuaa ^^
Kali ini aku post pake bahasa Indonesia lagi yaa, berhubung ZAP adanya di Indonesia nih :D

Jadi, minggu kemarin ZAP mengundang aku untuk datang di ZAP Fashion & Beauty talk Jumat 14 Desember yang berlokasi di ZAP Beauty Center di Jalan Woltermongisidi. Aku ga sendirian pergi ke acara itu, aku ajak Mei juga. Dan mamaku ngotot mau ikut hihihi :p

Acara berlangsung di ZAP Cafe, suasana nyaman deh xD aku suka tempatnya

 ada kak Tia disana ^^

Acara mulai jam 9.30 dan kita berangkat jam 8 soalnya aku pikir takut ga keburu, dan bener aja ternyata ada kemacetan parah gara2 demo -____- Akhirnya kita baru sampe sekitar jam setengah 11 lewat hampir jam 11.. Untungnya pas kita dateng acara belum mulai, dan acara baru mulai beberapa menit setelah itu..

Pertama MC memperkenalkan kita dengan pemilik ZAP yaitu Fadli Sahab
Sebelah kiri MC nya, namanya Felisia seinget aku dan yang sebelah kanan pemilik ZAP :D

Lalu mulailah pembicaraan mengenai topik pertama yaituuu Fashion. Jujur aku kurang tertarik kalo ngomongin masalah fashion ahaha soalnya aku kurang suka Fashion, tapi aku tetep dengerin :p

Ini desainer Oscar Lawalata, pas disebutin namanya aku kaya pernah denger sih *slapped* maklum ya aku ga ngerti dan ga begitu tau soal fashion ><
Dan aku juga ga gitu ngerti apa yang diomongin tapi yang aku dapet 1 hal: mau jadi fashionable ga selalu harus mahal dan yang paling penting kita percaya diri dan sesuai sama kepribadian kita :D

Berikutnya sesi yang aku suka niiih ngomongin tentang makeup xDD
Pembicaranya Makeup Artist Iwwan Haroun. Yaah aku lupa detailnya pokonya dia makeup artist hebat deh :p
Dia jelasin kalo makeup tuh ada sheer coverage, medium coverage dan full coverage. Biasa yang sheer untuk sehari2, medium buat pergi ke pesta, dan yang full biasanya buat artis2 kaya KD, Syahrini 

Abis itu dia langsung praktekin makeupnya ke seorang model yang cantik bangeet *o*
Dimulai dengan pakein foundation
Pokonya sebelum bermakeup-ria, pertama2 kudu mesti bersihin muka dulu!! Iwwan Haroun juga jelasin cara milih shade foundation. Kesalahannya biasa orang Asia suka milih shade yang lebih terang daripada kulitnya sendiri, padahal foundation seharusnya sama dengan warna kulit asli kita. Kalo memang mau pilih yang lebih terang, powdernya harus sama dengan tone kulit asli kita jadi ga keliatan belang. Dia pilih shade 1 tone lebih terang daripada warna kulit modelnya tapi dia set dengan powder yang tonenya sama dengan warna kulit modelnya jadi ga belang dan keliatan natural.

Dan lanjut ke Makeup mata

Ini pas dia lagi pakein eyeliner ke modelnya. Kata iwwan Haroun untuk mata Asia harus pake double Line. Itu teknik pake eyeliner 2 kali, yang pertama di bagian dalem kelopak mata, dibawahnya bulu mata loh, abis itu baru diluarnya lagi diatas bulu mata. Wew aku liatinnya serem, pasti aku sampe keluar aer mata deh ><
Dia juga bilang mata Asia perlu eye contouring atau eye shading, biar mata keliatan lebih terbuka. Buat yang matanya udah belo separo aja, buat yang matanya kecil perlu semuanya.
Dan untuk pake bulu mata palsu, kita mesti ukur dulu sama panjang mata kita, panjang bulu mata palsu harus sama kaya bulu mata kita. Well, kalo aku sih lebih suka bulu mata palsunya agak lebih panjang dari mata asli, soalnya mata asliku tuh sipit buangets T_T

Terakhir pake blush on dan lipstick. Karena makeupnya udah ditonjolin di bagian mata jadi di pipi dan bibir ga usah terlalu ditonjolin, pake warna yang soft aja.

Sesi selanjutnya mengenai cara merawat kulit oleh Dr. Octarina Zamrud (seinget aku gitu yah namanya CMIIW)

Dia juga membahas soal skincare ga jelas yang berbahaya yang mengandung merkuri dan hidroquinon. Kalau pake krim yang mengandung mercuri bisa timbul flek2 yang warna abu2, dan kalo pake krim yang ada hidroquinon lama kelamaan bisa timbul flek warna kecoklatan. 
Serem yah??
Tapi masih banyak kok cara rawat kulit yang aman, contohnya pake cara alami ya masker bengkoang, makan banyak sayur dan buah, tidur cukup, kurangin makanan berminyak, Photo Facial, Chemical Peeling. suntik vitamin C, dll.

Selanjutnya ada free skin check, dan free treatment.^^.. Aku check kulit aku dan ternyata aku tipe kulit kombinasi, pori2 besar sekitar pipi, dan jerawat di T-zone :(
Untuk free treatment aku ambil Underarms Treatment. Mengenai treatmentnya bakal aku bahas di post terpisah ya soalnya nanti kepanjangan ><

Nah aku rasa sekian, Thanks for reading, and thanks to ZAP for invited me to this awesome event ^^

PS: Tunggu post aku mengenai underarm treatmentnya yaa :D

Contact ZAP


Jumat, 21 Desember 2012

The Liebster Award

First of all I want to thank ci Feegy and Arisa for nominated me. Actually they've made post about this award around a month ago and I just remember about this award today :p

And as usual, there are some rules that must be followed

The Rules is :
1. Say Thank you to who giving you the Awards
2. Write 11 things about yourself
3. answer 11 question from people who tagging you
4. choose 11 blogger, who inspiration you, which their follower less than 200, and post their name in your blog
5. write 11 question for blogger you tag

Let's start with 11 things about me!
1. I'm afraid of dog, but lately I fell for cute dog such as maltese, shih tzu, etc.
2. I love to eat snacks :p
3. I hate when my friends said "You can get high score without study!!".. Come'on I study hard so I can get nice score, and if I don't study I'll get bad score, not as easy as that!
4. I really love circle lens, eyeliner, and something that can makes my eyes look bigger.
5. I have a bestfriend, Meiliyana, and we always together. Many peoples mistaken that we are siblings or even twins.
6. I'm afraid of ghost -___-
7. A makeup and skincare junkie
8.  I always spin everything around me (books,pencil, pen, etc)
9. I'm a senior high school student
10. I'm super lazy to get up, if on holiday I can get up at 1-2 pm
11. I'm a gamers, I can't stay up all night just for playing game

Questions from ci Feegy

1.  Please introduce yourself  :)
- helo i am Melissa Y 17 years old  i love makeup, skincare, novels, snacks, food :p

2. How many languages you can speak? please mention it one by one.
- Indonesian, and little bit of English

3.  Tell me your most unforgettable moment!
- many!!

4. What is your dream job?
-to be a pianist, since I love playing piano, lol

5. Which one do you prefer, fashion or beauty? please tell me the reason :)
-beauty. I don't know why but I don't really like fashion
6. One beauty product that you can live without (it can be makeup or skincare)
- facial foam :p

7. Which country you would like to live?why you want to live in there?
-England, Singapore, Korea xD, USA.. why?? Because I think those country are clean (there aren't any rubbish on the street)
8. Tell me the meaning of your blog's name!
- the name means Rainbow.. It's french.

9. What are your hobbies?
- eating, sleeping, playing games

10. What you fear the most? why?
- Ghosts

11.  What do you hope for yourself for the next 5 years?
- to earn much money!!

Arissa's Questions:

  1. why do you like make up ? because it can enhance beauty
  2. what is the first make up product you buy ? Eyeliner
  3. eyeliner, bb cream, powder, what is important for you ? Eyeliner
  4. what make u interest to be beauty blogger ? to sharing about beauty products I used, and hope that my blog can help someone who search about specific beauty products
  5. what is your favorite brand make up ? Etude House
  6. do you like local product or no ? No
  7. who is your favorite make up guru ? no one since I never watch Beauty Guru on youtube (Slow internet connection)
  8. when you want buy some make up product, u will ask the money from your parents, or u save your money ? Save my moner
  9.  what you to do when you in long holiday ? Sleeping, hanging out, playing games
  10. when u in long traveling, what is you important things you will bring  ? Shirt, Facial Foam,
  11. who will you choose ? your parents or your boyfriends? Both
My Questions:
1. What's your hobby?
2. Since when did you use Makeup?
3. What's your hope for your beauty blog?
4. Who's inspired you to start blogging?
5. What products are in your make up pouch?
6. Which kind of music do you like?
7. Do you love your parents?
8. Holiday or Works, or School?
9.  What cosmetics brand do you like?
10. How much do you spend for your monthly shopping (especially for beauty stuffs, I'm just curious)
11. Can you.... Cook??
I will nominate:
-Feegy (I tag you back ci xD)

Kamis, 20 Desember 2012

Super Mini Giveaway by Mei and Me

Okay this will be a super quick post.
Are you interested to try permanent hair removal? If yes, me and Mei have 2 Zap voucher worthed idr 200.000 to share and 2 sheet masks.
The rules are super easy!
Click here to join ^^

Well, good luck!
Love, Melissa
I always reply to your comment, please check back in few days!! ^^