Kamis, 27 September 2012

Lancome Beauty Event: Makeup Duel

Hello everyone ^^
This time I want to share about beauty event by Lancome at Mall Taman Anggrek. The event was about Makeup Duel between Carnellin Yulianti and Hanna Anindhita. The even was started at 11 a.m. This was the first time I attended a beauty event and I am so exicted :D, but I came late because my bf picked me up at around 11 :'(.. I'm so sad that I came late so I couldn't see the battle from beginning. T_T
At this battle, Carnellin and Hanna didn't do makeup for their models by themself, the makeup were did by Lancome Makeup Artist which concept came from Hanna and Carnellin.

At this event Lancome also introduce their new mascara, Hypnose Doll Eyes Mascara. The Mascara claimed to deliver a doll lash effect and wide eye look. Hanna and Carnellin also used this mascara for the duel. 

 "Dolly Look" by Carnellin

"Barbie Doll Look" by Hanna

Unfortunately I got bad posisition so I couldn't take the picture from front side, sorry for bad pict :(

From the left: Carnellin's model, Carnellin, Hanna, Hanna's model

The winner of this duel was selected by vote. And when we were waiting the vote to be counted, there was a doll-like-dance (I don't know how to call it!) by two Russian models. OMG they're so pretty, tall and have fair skin, they made me envy!
The right one is my favorite :D

Counting, counting counting.....

And... The winner was........
Congrats ci Carnellin ^^

They both got rose bouquet, gift, but only the winner who got ticket pass for next makeup battle which place is still a secret :p

Goodie bag from Lancome

Me with other bloggers
This is Megan from Koala Kiss,
she is so pretty while I looks so dumb in this pict ._. *crying*

 With ci Rini, Some where over the rainbow, she is one of my favorite bloggers! I'm so happy that I could met her there xD

 With ci Marsha, Blush Off

Actually I could get a polaroid photo with the two beautiful Russian models, but I just knew it when I arrived at home!! At that time I almost cry :'(, pity me

But I'm so happy that I can met with another IBB, and believe me they're all so friendly and nice, I'm happy that I can be a part of IBB :D

I think that's all, thanks for reading, sorry if there are many gramatical errors, but I try my best to write in english since I don't feel comfortable if I write in Bahasa, but my english skill is suck so forgive meeeee :'(

Love, Melissa <3

Minggu, 23 September 2012

Etude House Pink Candy Sweet Cake Fragrance

Hello everyone, it has been a while since my last post, I'm super busy last few weeks, I really need holiday T_T.. Thanks to PILKADA (I don't know what's that in english :p) last Thursday, I can rested all day :')

Nah today I want to share about my favorite perfume so far. It's Etude House Pink Candy Sweet Cake Fragrance! xD
The packaging is really cute, it is like a lollipop LOL

See? Super cute!! I really love the packaging *0*
 At first I think it was really a pink stick, but it's only a paper :p

Like a compact powder eh?

I can bring it everywhere and it's not take much place in my bag, and when I forgot to bring mirror I can use this. Well for me it looks like a blush on :p 
The swirl is so cute just like a lollipop :3

It has a creamy texture, and when it's used on skin it became invisible, I usually use it on my wrist and neck

I really love this perfume! It's affordable and last for around 3 hours for me yah. It has a really sweet scent like candy, when I smell it out from it case it's kinda a strong scent but when I used it on my wrist or neck it turned to be a soft sweet scent. I always love a perfume that has sweet scent! <3<3
But I don't recommend this for you who don't like sweet scent :D

What I like: 
-Cute packaging!
-Quite affordable for a perfume (I bought it for idr 100.000 at my cousin)
-Has a really sweet scent
-Last for around 3 hours
-Has mirror in it ( I often forgot to bring mirror LOL)

What I hate:
-Nothing at the moment! xD

Repurchase? I'm still considering it, I want to try another perfume, but maybe I will repurchase this one. 

Have you tried this? If haven't, what's your favorite perfume?

Thanks for reading sweeties
Love, Melissa <3

Minggu, 09 September 2012

Giveaway I've joined

Hello, today I want to post about giveaway that I've joined, but only a few of them since I don't remember every giveaway I've joined ._.

1. Xiaovee's 2nd Giveaway
 Xiaovee from Xiao Vee's World hold giveaway because she have reached 200 followers and her graduation. Oh ya I love her blog so much, she is really a friendly and kind :'), one of my favorite blogger! ^^
I hope you all join her giveaway :D click here if you want to join her giveaway!

2. IamBabyPanda Thanksgiving Giveaway
This blog owner, Ina is so generous, she provide so many gift for her giveaway winner! and  it's worthed $382 USD! Join now by click here

3. Jing-Jing Giveaway, Lots of masks!!
Nah if you are masks lover you should join this giveaway, she will give a lot of face masks since she bought it too many! I saw on her older post she bought really a huge number of mask! Join by click here

Jumat, 07 September 2012


Hi everyone, good night!  I want to share my FOTD, not FOTD actually, this is my simple makeup for my friend's sweet seventeen party, last Saturday, enjoy! ;)

I used:
-Garnier Light Complete Cream
-Laneige Water Supreme Foundation (just to cover my acne on chin -___-)
-Etude House Precious Mineral BB cream
-Viva eyebrow pencil
-Etude House Proof 10 Liquid Liner
-Etude House Proof 10 Jewelry Pencil
-Lip Ice Sheer Colour
-Etude House Juicy Pop Tube

Oh ya I cut my fringe by myself loh, what do you think about it? Does it look good?? Initially I want to go to Salon first on Friday but I got a fever on that day so the only choice was to cut it myself since I don't have time anymore on Saturday ._. my fringe have been messed out, it almost reach my nose and always my eyes covered and sometimes it hurted my eyes so badly! But yeah now I'm so happy with my fringe, it didn't annoy me anymore. I'm in love with my new fringe because I cut it my self xD

And now, I just wanna share my random pic on that day :p

My face become so pale if take photo with flash, that's why I don't like using something with SPF, but yeah it's ok, I rarely take photo with flash.

I think that's all, thanks for reading my post, hope you enjoy it :) 
Love, Melissa

Kamis, 06 September 2012

The Beauty Of Friendship

Entri ini ditulis untuk memenangkan free entry untuk Looxclass Beauty Blogging & Make Up Workshop Jogja (plus hadiah paket makeup sebesar sampai Rp. 250.000). Klik ini deh untuk detil acaranya : http://www.looxperiments.com/2012/07/yogyakarta-looxclass-beauty-blogging.html dan klik ini deh, kalau mau ikutan blog contest-nya : http://www.looxperiments.com/2012/08/blog-contest-beauty-of-friendship-rules.html

Halloooo semuanya selamat soreeeee.. Kali ini aku mau berbagi cerita tentang persahabatan aku sama Mei yang udah ampir 12 tahun loh!! Nah semuanya pada udah tau kan ya apa sih persahabatan itu? So, langsung aja ya :p
Postingan kali ini aku bakal banyak pake kata "kita" soalnya post kali ini dibikin langsung oleh aku sama Mei!! *yeaaaay*..
Kita berdua mulai temenan sejak kelas 1 SD, dan awal2 pertemenan kita dimulai dengan buanyaaak pertengkaran (banyak lah sebabnya sering diadu domba lah, fitnah-fitnahan namanya juga anak kecil maklum aja ya :p) Sebenernya pas kelas 2 atau  lah ya udah lupa secara udah lama banget gitu loh, kita berdua masih pernah berantem sih, sekali-sekali nih kalo mau liat cerita tentang pertengkaran kita yang konyol bangetsss klik disini (untung banget Mei lagi rajin ngepost). Tapi sejak saat itu kita ga pernah berantem lagi loh! Temen-temen kita aja pada bingung. Sampe pernah ada yang tanya "Kok lu berdua awet amat sih temenan dari SD? Gue aja setaun 2 taun udah ga akur".

Selain itu kita juga kompak loh!! Biasanya kita sering banget pake baju kembar, tapi yah kalo emang kebetulan situasi lagi ga memungkinkan (misalnya: dicuci, lupa cari, lagi pengen pake baju yang keren2) biasanya baju kita warnanya sama atau mirip-mirip (abu-abu sama item gituuu mirip kan??)
Kita punya 5 baju kembar, 1 kalung kembar, 1 sepatu kembar, dan 1 dompet kembar (beda warna tapi).

Ini beberapa foto baju/barang kembar kitaaa
Tuh yang kiri atas foto kalung kembar kita kupu-kupu tapi ga jelas sih ya. Yang kanan bawah dompet kembar dan ditengahnya itu diary kita, kita hobby ngisi diary bareng hihihi, banyak foto2 juga didalemnya.

Dulu kita ga pernah foto-foto sayangnya pas SD, maklum ga punya camera/hp camera, jadi pas sekali kita berdua punya (bareng tuh tapi beda tipe) langsung norak luar biasa foto-foto terus deh pokonya -_____-"
Dulu kita juga cuek banget soal penampilan, keluar rumah suka gak nyisir, malahan jarang nyisir kayanya cuma pake jari doang asal rapih. Pernah juga ke mall pake piama! *sumpah berasa gatau malu banget*

Ini foto jadul kita berdua (kecuali foto kecil2 dikiri) , kita beberapa kali pegi keluar kota bareng hihihi itu di Kawah Putih. Gila masih jadul2 banget ya, Mel masih super culun dan Mei rambutnya super pendek .__.

Mau tau ga kenapa & kapan kita mulai 'pedekate' sama makeup??
Jadi kita terinspirasi sama teman kita yang jago banget makeup, peralatannya sampe segudang *lebay mode*. Karena sering liat dia dandanin temen buat acara sekolah pensi, fashion show dll atau sweet seventeen temen, kita jadi tertarik dengan makeup dan mulai sadar diri kalo jaga penampilan itu ternyata penting! Lagian temen-temen kita juga pada bisa/punya alat2 makeup rata2, jadi merasa terkucil ._.
Mulailah kita sadar kalo makeup sendiri itu susaaaah. Padahal keliatannya gampang. alhasil pas awal-awal belajar, kita ga pernah dandan sendiri, Mei dandanin Mel dan Mel dandanin Mei, dan sekarang juga sering begitu :p
Hmm, kita juga punya satu masalah yang gawat selain kekacauan kita dalam bermakeup-ria. Kantong kita sebagai pelajar amat sangat kering (baca: kekurangan duit).. Jadi kita selalu saling melengkapi deh, misalnya Mei beli maskara, Mel beli eyeliner jadi bisa saling pinjem2an toh kita kalo pegi juga selalu berdua. Hemat kan??!! Boleh dicoba nih bagi yang punya kantong terbatas kaya kita. Dan lebih efisien bagi yang jarang dandan, 1 barang dipake berdua ga sampe kadaluarsa jadinya.

Selain itu kita juga bikin tabungan yang kita sebut 'Duit Kas'. Tiap harinya kita nabung antara 10.000-20.000, biasanya kita pake buat kalo hang out. Tapi duit kas kali ini belum kita pake dan rencananya bakal buat belanja Etude di bulan ini! Sekalian kuliner juga sih :p

Dompet kas, Catatan kas (sorry ya kita blur-in bagian catatannya malu abisnya wkwkk)
Ada lagi 1 hobi kita yang lumayan menguras kantong dan ekstrim (beneran, kalo ga hati2 bisa menyebabkan obesitas, kolestrol, diabetes, dll *lebaaay*). Ada yang bisa tebak??
Bagi yang tebak 'MAKAN', nilai 100 buat anda ;)
Kita sering khusus pergi ke mall bukan buat shopping tapi buat makan. dan kita bisa makan di 3 sampai 4 restoran di satu hari dari siang sampe malem. Tapi kita ga selalu makan full portion, kadang kita bagi dua, tujuannya yah mau icip2 aja terus dikomentarin kaya diwisata kuliner gitu wkwkwk, ada contoh kuliner kita nih klik disini..

Kita juga pernah bikin scrapbook buat lomba, lupa sih kapan wkwkkw tapi sayangnya ga menaaanng huaaaaa T.T

Nih cita-cita kita berdua (kalo kesampean):
1. Mencicipi makanan diseluruh dunia
2. Punya Etude House buat dipake sendiri NOT FOR SALE
3. Mei bercita2 jadi kontraktor dan punya 'MEILIYANA TEDJA GROUP' dan Mel jadi CEO nya
4. Mel bercita-cita punya ladang venus fly trap dan sunflower

Nah kayanya cukup sampe disini deh cerita kita, kalo diceritain semuanya mah bisa jadi kamus lengkap Mei dan Mel ini.
Jadi intinya bagi kita sahabat itu bagaikan amplop dan perangko, tangan dan mata, kaki dan sepatu, tahu dan tempe, tempe dan oncom, (lah kok makin ngaco?!) Dimana ada Mei disitu ada Mel dan dimana ada Mel disitu ada Mei.
Last foto seru-seruang kita berdua

Thanks for reading!
Love, Melissa and Meiliyana

Senin, 03 September 2012

Etude House Aloe & Pomegranate Sheet Mask (Review)

Hello everyone! This gonna be a short review from me since I'm so busy, there are still many tasks for me to do sighh what a tiring month for me.
Okay so I got this Aloe mask around August and Pomegranate mask on July ( you can see them in my July and August Haul)
Aloe Mask

Nah you can see on the pic above about it's ingredients, and what does this mask do for your skin :p

This mask has a lot of essence (or what the name? I don't know lah hihihi) I use the remaining essence on my face and neck and my bf face (LOL I like to put my skincare on his face sometimes even make up!)

I don't feel something special after using this mask, but I love the cool sensation, it's better put this mask in refrigerator before use it. oh ya this mask isn't big enough to cover my forehead! Is my forehead that big?? T___T

What I like from Aloe Mask:
-Affordable (I'm stingy! :p)
-Didn't make me break out
-Reduce my redness (just a little ._.)
-Made my skin feel so smooth xD
-Has a lot of essence

What I hate from Aloe Mask:
-Not big enough to cover my forehead T_T
-The scent, I don't know what scent is that but it isn't a nice one (for me ya)
-Just give so-so result, nothing
-It doesn't really prevent acne because I still got acne the next day, the small one
-Temporary result

Pomegranate Mask

I prefer this one, I love this mask! It gave me instant result that my face became not dull anymore! and made my face glowing but not oily and of course smooth, maybe all mask sheet make skin feel smooth?? But yeah it just give a temporary result.

This is the pic of my cheek after used this mask, sorry for the bad quality and colour, I took this photo on July with my suck camera phone, on that time I haven't owned camera at that time and my brother didn't borrow me his camera T_T
Can you see the glowing?? xD

What I like from Pomegranate Mask:
-Made my face became not dull
-My face became glowing after using this xD
-Has a lot of essence
-My face became so smooth
-Didn't make me break out

What I hate from Pomegranate Mask:
-Temporary result
-Not big enough for my forehead

I think all mask sheet have temporary result unless we used it regularly

Repurchase? Yes for the Pomegranate, no for Aloe.. I want to try the pearl one x)

Thanks for reading, I'm sorry for the really bad grammar and english I just too tired so I just write whatever I remember in my head about this mask but this is really 100% my opinion

Love, Melissa x)

I always reply to your comment, please check back in few days!! ^^