Sabtu, 30 Juni 2012

Freshkon color fusion Shimmering grey cosmetic lens

Okay, from now on, I will write using english.. But my english is sooo bad so, I'm sorry if there are so many grammatical error :p.. But I hope you all understand what I mean ^^
So today I'll review about Freshkon Color Fusion: Shimmering grey
Freshkon is a brand of soft cosmetic contact lens, I think it's more expensive than other brand of cosmetic contact lens in Indonesia like A+, X2, etc..
So these are the picture

 The Case is different, I put the lens in different case

 I took these photo with flash, because my room is sooo dark, I think I must replace my lamp with a new one -__-

Freshkon color fusion: Shimmering Grey
Diameter: 14.2mm
B.C: 8.6mm
Water content: 55%
Life Span: 3 months

*Design: I think nothing special with the design (2.5/5)
*Color: In room lightning, the color doesn't show well, it must in sun lightning, or very bright lightning, but when people look at you from afar, it's quite natural I think. (3/5)
*Enlargement: Enlargement from these lens is bad, my eyes only look a lil bigger (1/5)
*Comfort: I must admit it... Freshkon is amazingly comfortable!! This is the most comfortable lens that I have, I wear it for 9 hours and I just need to drop it with solution once.. (4.5/5)

And finally, it's my photo using freshkon, and my new hair ^^
I'm sorry for the bad quality, I took these photo with my suck phone camera

This is my FOTD, it's my pic from a few days ago when I would going to my friend's sweet seventeen party :D
I used: Silky girl BB cream, Lip Ice Sheer color, Etude house Juicy pop tube: Apricot smoothie, Oriflame eyeliner stylo: black..

Again, thanks for reading my blog xD

11 komentar:

  1. hi yuri ^^
    thanks for sharing ya :)

    1. hai jugaa :D
      you're welcome, thanks juga udah baca postingan ku ;D

  2. hi yuri. lagi2 komenmu ga msuk d blog aku, cm bs liat d dashboard aku ajaa :((
    aku blm smpat kirim hadiah giveawayny, maaf ya nunggu lama, psti kukirim kok :(
    ayo km bikin disqus account, ud bkin blm? ;D

    1. wahahaha, padahal aku udah bikin disqus loh ci :'(
      wah malah aku udah hampir lupa soal giveawaynya hehe :p gpp ci santai aja kok tggu lama gapapa xD

  3. uwaaa lucunya TT,TT pernah nyobain beli waktu hari selasa minggu lalu, ampe sekarang engga bisa makenya :$ hueheheheh

    1. waah kamu beli yang mana? yang penting pas lagi make matanya jangan kedip2, tunggu kepasang baru kedip2 deh hehe ;;) good luck ya semoga bisa cepet2 pake :D

    2. aku beli geo sih .__. wkwkwk diameternya 14mm lagi -___- udah diuasahin tapi ya begitu :P wkwkwkw iya amin deh soalnya sayang juga..hehehehe

    3. kalo ga bisa sayang bangeet >< ayo berjuang xD
      aku juga baru beli geo yg 14mm, agak blurry ya di aku :(

    4. he-eh sayang, untung diskon hehehe :P, yang mana kodenya? aku beli yg CK-105

      ka kalo beli geo disini aje kak discount 10% :P hehehe pake code MARSHADNB aja kak discount 10% loh :P #promosi. wkwkwk


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