Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012

Lancome Final Bloggers Duel at Seibu Grand Indonesia

Good evening everyone :D
This post is about an event held by Lancome and it's about Beauty Bloggers Makeup Duel between ci Marsha and ci Carnellin. I'm so excited for this event xD..
I also attended the first makeup duel between ci Carnellin and Kak Hanna at Mall Taman Anggrek before (click here to see the post). At that time ci Carnellin won, so she continued to the final. And the same with ci Marsha, unfortunately I couldn't come to see ci Marsha's first duel since I didn't have time T_T

 The event was held at Seibu Premium Lounge, Grand Indonesia.

This is the stage for the duel, and the person in this pict is kak Ilma, she's the MC for this event, and she's so cute and friendly xD

Theme for the make up look is still same from the previous duel, it's a dolly look. But since it's near Halloween so the looks they created were more into halloween theme.

From left: Ci Marsha, Ilma the MC, Ci Carnellin.

Whimsical Fairy Look by Ci Carnellin

 Ci Carnellin's model, OMG she's so pretty, I adore her!!! Btw she's a russian <3.. This look haven't finished already, it's only the beginning LOL 

Kak Sandy, the make up artist. 

The Final Looks

Actually I think the model looks like a cute vixen and doesn't look like a fairy (please forgive my error brain!)

Kak Wijaya, the model, and ci Carnellin.

Marie Antoinette Look By Ci Marsha
Ci  Marhsa's model, she's pretty too xD and she's a brazillian..

Ci Marsha added some stickers to her model's face, she used sticker for handphone! So creative O_o. She used rose stickers to represent Lancome.

Kak Wijaya was applying Hypnose Doll Eyes Mascara to achieve dolly eyes look. 

The Final Looks

 With that make up she really looks elegant <3 I love the rose stickers. 

 the model, Ci marsha and kak Sandy
 This is Kak Putri, she's the judge and she said the winner is selected based on creativity and the dolly look itself.

And... The winner is....
 Congrats ci Marsha!! She received hamper from lancome worth of  5 millions rupiahs!!

Here is ci Carnellin, she received a hamper from Lancome worth of 2 millions rupiahs.  

I met many other bloggers there! and they're really friendly :').. I met ci stefanie, kak Tia, kak MadaJessyln, kak Beatrix, and many more.. 

And these are freebies I got from Lancome ^^
There are two creams/serum I got and I don't know the function (I don't understand french!!) and one sample of perfume, it has really strong scent x_x

 I got a toner from Lancome! It's tonique eclat, exfoliating toner. I got this because I answered a question from the MC xD.. Actually I didn't know the answer but ci Marsha kindly tell me since it a multiple choice and easy to tell (she's just said C.. C... C...)

And noooow, my picts!!
 With kak Beatrix
 With ci stefanie

Ci Marsha, so pweetttyyyy, right??

I made a video too but sorry for the watermark, I don't know which video editor program to download and I got this and I only got the free trial :(.. and since it's my first vlog, I'm so sorry for the bad quality.

and for the last, I want to announce something..........
I'm an official IBB Member!! xD, I'm so happy, I just earned the logo this morning.. Thanks IBB Staffs ^^

Well I think that's all, thanks for reading ^^
Love, Melissa


Senin, 29 Oktober 2012

Went to Central Park with Mei and Ate SUSHI TEI!

Hai semua!
Kali ini aku post pake bahasa Indonesia lagi ya, kali ini bukan review produk, aku cuma mau share tentang jalan-jalan aku sama Mei ke Central Park Mall pas hari jumat kemarin. Sebenernya aku udah mau post ini dari hari Jumat tapi berhubung aku pulang-pulang udah kecapean dan aku sibuk dari hari Sabtu sampai Minggu jadilah post ini baru selesai hari ini phewww.

Hari Jumat kemarin kita pergi karena kita lagi pengen banget makan sushi hehe :p.. Pertama kita pengen makan sushi di Kiyadon, maklum belum pernah coba makan disana, keliatannya tempatnya misterius gimanaa gitu remang2 gitu. Tapi dipikir2 selain mahal takutnya kurang enak ya. Jadi akhirnya kita makan di Sushi Tei untuk pertama kalinya. Tadinya kita ragu loh pas mau makan di Sushi Tei, soalnya kata temen2 kite makan disana harganya muahaaaal bangetsss. Tapi berhubung udah ngidam makan Sushi yang enak dari jauh-jauh hari tuh, akhirnya kita coba juga deh makan disana.

Pas kita mau masuk kesana, weeew rame banget, sampe2 kita mesti tunggu di waiting list. Tapi untungnya ga berapa lama kemudian waitressnya panggil soalnya kita udah dapet tempat. Daaan singkat cerita setelah duduk dan liat2 buku menu, kesimpulan kita: Harga Sushi roll ga terlalu mahal( biarpun ada yang mahal banget sih), harga rice box mahal, harga ramen mahal.. But the ocha is free and free refill too!

So, inilah makanan yang kita pesen:

Salmon Mentai
hohohohohohoho. Ini adalah nigiri sushi yang diberi topping mayonaise, dan ikan salmon yang udah di baked/grilled (lupa huahaha) dulu, jadi bagi yang ga mau atau ga suka makan sushi mentah, yang satu ini patut dicoba! Kesan aku sama Mei, ini sushi bener2 enak! ga bohong deh, daging salmonnya lembuuut banget, nyatu gitu sama rasa mayonaisenya, nasi sushinya juga enak. 
Price: Rp 26.000 

Dynamite Roll
 Ini makanan kedua yang aku dan mei pesen, ini adalah Sushi Roll yang berisi udang, crab stick, scallops, avocado, dan topingnya mayonaise juga dan ada telur ikan. Sushi ini juga enak dan menurutku makannya lebih gampang soalnya ukurannya kecil jadi bisa untuk sekali suap. Yang paling aku suka dari sushi ini tuh daging scallopsnya. enaaak, kenyal2 gimana gitu. Kalo crab stick dan udang sih udah biasa ya, scallopsnya yang bikin beda xD. Oh ya sushi ini juga di baked.
Price: Rp 48.000

 Nori Tempura
Kalo ini kita pesen tadinya mau sebagai makanan penutup, tapi akhirnya kita makan duluan juga wkwkwk. Rasanya yaaa rasa nori yang digoreng tepung, kita makannya pake sambel.. Enak sih but not so special lah and harganya juga super murah ^^. Nori Tempura ini super crispy loh!
Price: Rp 9.000

Baked Salmon
 Nah ini makanan terakhir kita yang dateeng. Jujur dari semuanya ini yang paling biasa aja. bukannya ga enak sih, cuma kalo dibandingin sama 2 sushi yang pertama ini kalah telak banget. Kira2 ini sama lah kaya level di Ichiban Sushi. Kalo menurutku, Salmonnya kurang lembut, agak kering, begitu juga sama nasinya agak terasa kering. but not bad lah. 
Price: Rp 18.000

Oh ya kalo mau makan di Sushi Tei, jangan lupa Ochanya gratis dan refill pula ya. Tapi di menu booknya ga ditulis Free Ocha, so tanya langsung sama waitressnya aja ^^.. Lumayan loh buat hemat!
Makan di Sushi Tei bener2 ga nyesel! Ini sushi paling enak yang pernah aku makan :') (beneran aku ga melebih2in). Dan harganya ga semahal kaya yang orang2 bilang, masih lumayan affordable loh kalo menurutku. 

The laaaast, I want to share my FOTD that day xD

 ini Meiiiii, say hello to Mei xD

Aku ga pake softlens hari ituuuuu, soalnya besoknya aku ada beauty event di Grand Indonesia (will make post about it ASAP) dan aku butuh pake softlens besoknya (Geo ku mulai berasa ga nyaman dan aku ga tahan pake 2 hari berturut2, mataku jadi perih >_<)

Okeeee sekian dulu ya teman2 tercintaaa, sekarang aku mau pergi ke carefour beli obat jerawat, yang lama dibuang mamaku padahal isinya masih banyak hiks-hiks ;__;
Oh iya satu lagi, adakah yang bisa ajarin aku pake photoshop? well aku ada tugas disekolah dan guru TIK aku rese banget, dia ngajar ga jelas dan suruh cari sendiri tutorial photoshop di internet.  -____-

Thanks for reading ^^

Kamis, 25 Oktober 2012

The Faceshop Nail Polish #PK106

Hello again! Second post for today hohohoho. This will be a short post because I just wanna share about my current favorite nail polish! xD

I got this nail polish from ci ci Theresia when she held a beauty adoption, I got this for free loh! She's so kind, I love u ci Theresia :*

Nah, I think the packagin isn't cute, but not bad lah, I love this kind of packaging too, it looks elegant (IMO). I love the detail on it's cap, so pretty xD. About it's formula, it's quite watery and I love this kind of nail polish, easy to apply! It's really different from my black etude house nail polish, it's thick and very hard to apply -_-.. But this nail polish doesn't dry too fast if applied too thick.

On My Nails

 The color isn't too opaque, at the pict above it just 1 coat,  it'll need  2 coats to bring out more opaque color. But I really love the color! Stunning color, right? But I only use this nail polish if I want to hang out, not for everyday use, my teacher will punish me if I use this for school -_-

What I like:
-Pretty color
-Watery formula
-Easy to apply
-Nice packaging 

What I hate:
-Not opaque color
-Doesn't dry that fast if applied too thick 

Repurchase? Yes absolutely I love this nail polish xD

Thanks for reading sweeties, and good night!
Love, Melissa

Lancome Le Crayon Khol Eyeliner Pencil #Black Ebony (Review)

 Hallo semuanya! Kali ini aku mau tulis post pake bahasa Indonesia aja yaa, lagi males pake bahasa Inggris nih gatau napa *males mode on xD*

Kali ini aku mau review tentang eyeliner yang aku dapet pas pergi ke event Lancome di Mall Taman Anggrek Aku dapet beberapa freebies dalam goodie bagnya nah salah satunya ya mini Eyeliner ini. Namanya sih panjang dan susah banget loh -__-" Le Crayon Khol Eyeliner Pencil in Black Ebony.

Well, pas dapat eyeliner ini sih aku supeeer seneng,soalnya eyeliner salah satu item favorit aku selain bb cream. Yah tapi aku ga terlalu jago kalo pake eyeliner, kadang masih belepotan ._.

Ga ada deskripsi mengenai eyeliner ini karena aku dapetnya batangan, ga ada kardus dll. Tekstur eyeliner ini lumayan creamy yah kalo menurutku, dan agak lunak (tadinya aku kira eyeliner pencil itu keras xD LOL). Packagingnya juga boring.

 Eyeliner ini ga terlalu pigmented, dan agak susah buat bikin garis yang tipis, 2x swipes aja masih kurang hitam kalo menurutku ya.
 Smudgeproof test
Sayangnya eyeliner ini ga smudgeproof, wah bukan tipe aku banget soalnya aku tuh sering kucek2 mata dan kalo kucek2 mata heboh punya, pasti luntur kemana2 dimata aku dan jadilah aku si mata panda.

 diluar dugaan aku eyeliner ini juga ga waterproof ._. sayang bangeeet ><

On My Eyes

 Itu sekitar setengah jam setelah aku pake, keliatan kan mulai smudge, hiks hiks hiks :'(

Sebenernya ini eyeliner pensil pertama aku loh! Sebelumnya aku selalu punya yang liquid, yang gel aku juga belum pernah punya. Dan pas pertama coba eyeliner ini jujur aku kaget, aku langsung mikir "Lah kok ini dipakenya gampang amat ya, beda amat dari si liquid".. Sayang oh sayang eyeliner ini bener2 ga waterproof dan smudge proof, baru sekitar 1 jam aja mata aku udah berubah jadi mata panda T_T.. Eyeliner ini juga gampang patah (atau akunya mungkin yang terlalu kasar ._.), pas aku lagi asik2 pake, tiba2 eyeliner ini patah, wew untung patahannya ga masuk ke mata aku ><

What I like:
-Gampang dipake 

What I hate:
-Ga smudgeproof & waterproof
-Gampang patah
-Mungkin kalo beli harganya cukup mahal
-Boring packaging

Repurchase? Big no laaah. 

Nah sekian dulu ya postinganku kali ini, ada yang pernah coba eyeliner ini juga? ^^
Thanks for reading
Love, Melissa

Sabtu, 20 Oktober 2012

Etude House Precious Mineral Sun BB Cream #W13 (Review)

Hello everyone, I'm back, I really miss blogging! :') Sorry for the hiatus, the last two weeks I had really much homework, project, tests, etc and I even didn't have time to blogwalking like usually I do T_T.. Beside that, I felt really unhealthy and sick the last two weeks because lack of sleep..

This time I want to review about my favorite BB cream so far, Etude House Precious Mineral BB Cream

Description: Precious Mineral Sun BB Cream promotes silky complexion and brightened look with Pearl Mineral Powder infused sheer coverage. Powerful UV protection and long lasting waterproof formula for all day outdoor protection
1. Sponge application: dispense cream and use sponge to gather and apply coverage to all areas of the face
2. Direct application: remove cap and dispense onto hands for direct and additional application
Well I can't deny that etude house products always have cute packaging, it's simple but I just love it xD..
 Unfortunately It isn't a pump type, so sometimes it came out too much  ._.

It comes with sponge at attached to it's cap. It's more pratical for travel since you don't need to bring sponge anymore, but I prefer to use my fingers at applying BB cream. 

On My Face
Well, it does make my face looks brighter and can cover my acne scars and it has good oil control I think since it can stay matte on my face for around two hours and around 3 hours if set with compact powder. But after 5 hours my face will look shiny so I must blot the excess oil around my nose T.T.. But I like how this BB cream make my face looks flawless and smooth.. This BB cream also has SPF 50/PA+++ and a nice flowery scent ^^.

What I like:
-Cute packaging
-Good oil control
-Can cover redness/ acne scars
-Has SPF 50/PA+++
-Makes my face looks brighter and smooth
-Has nice scent

What I hate:
-Since it contains spf when I take picture with this bb cream my face looks so pale like ghost O_o
-Doesn't have a pump
-Hard to come out 
-Sometimes came out too much
And for the last I want to share my FOTD with this BB cream :p

 With my lovely mooom, she has flawless and normal skin >< *jealous*

Nah I think that's all, thanks for reading ya.. Have you tried this BB cream? What do you think about it? 
Love, Melissa :*

I bought this product with my own money
I'm not paid for doing this review
This is my honest review and opinion, it can work different on your skin maybe better maybe worse
 Please don't copy my post & picture without my permission 

I always reply to your comment, please check back in few days!! ^^