Jumat, 21 Desember 2012

The Liebster Award

First of all I want to thank ci Feegy and Arisa for nominated me. Actually they've made post about this award around a month ago and I just remember about this award today :p

And as usual, there are some rules that must be followed

The Rules is :
1. Say Thank you to who giving you the Awards
2. Write 11 things about yourself
3. answer 11 question from people who tagging you
4. choose 11 blogger, who inspiration you, which their follower less than 200, and post their name in your blog
5. write 11 question for blogger you tag

Let's start with 11 things about me!
1. I'm afraid of dog, but lately I fell for cute dog such as maltese, shih tzu, etc.
2. I love to eat snacks :p
3. I hate when my friends said "You can get high score without study!!".. Come'on I study hard so I can get nice score, and if I don't study I'll get bad score, not as easy as that!
4. I really love circle lens, eyeliner, and something that can makes my eyes look bigger.
5. I have a bestfriend, Meiliyana, and we always together. Many peoples mistaken that we are siblings or even twins.
6. I'm afraid of ghost -___-
7. A makeup and skincare junkie
8.  I always spin everything around me (books,pencil, pen, etc)
9. I'm a senior high school student
10. I'm super lazy to get up, if on holiday I can get up at 1-2 pm
11. I'm a gamers, I can't stay up all night just for playing game

Questions from ci Feegy

1.  Please introduce yourself  :)
- helo i am Melissa Y 17 years old  i love makeup, skincare, novels, snacks, food :p

2. How many languages you can speak? please mention it one by one.
- Indonesian, and little bit of English

3.  Tell me your most unforgettable moment!
- many!!

4. What is your dream job?
-to be a pianist, since I love playing piano, lol

5. Which one do you prefer, fashion or beauty? please tell me the reason :)
-beauty. I don't know why but I don't really like fashion
6. One beauty product that you can live without (it can be makeup or skincare)
- facial foam :p

7. Which country you would like to live?why you want to live in there?
-England, Singapore, Korea xD, USA.. why?? Because I think those country are clean (there aren't any rubbish on the street)
8. Tell me the meaning of your blog's name!
- the name means Rainbow.. It's french.

9. What are your hobbies?
- eating, sleeping, playing games

10. What you fear the most? why?
- Ghosts

11.  What do you hope for yourself for the next 5 years?
- to earn much money!!

Arissa's Questions:

  1. why do you like make up ? because it can enhance beauty
  2. what is the first make up product you buy ? Eyeliner
  3. eyeliner, bb cream, powder, what is important for you ? Eyeliner
  4. what make u interest to be beauty blogger ? to sharing about beauty products I used, and hope that my blog can help someone who search about specific beauty products
  5. what is your favorite brand make up ? Etude House
  6. do you like local product or no ? No
  7. who is your favorite make up guru ? no one since I never watch Beauty Guru on youtube (Slow internet connection)
  8. when you want buy some make up product, u will ask the money from your parents, or u save your money ? Save my moner
  9.  what you to do when you in long holiday ? Sleeping, hanging out, playing games
  10. when u in long traveling, what is you important things you will bring  ? Shirt, Facial Foam,
  11. who will you choose ? your parents or your boyfriends? Both
My Questions:
1. What's your hobby?
2. Since when did you use Makeup?
3. What's your hope for your beauty blog?
4. Who's inspired you to start blogging?
5. What products are in your make up pouch?
6. Which kind of music do you like?
7. Do you love your parents?
8. Holiday or Works, or School?
9.  What cosmetics brand do you like?
10. How much do you spend for your monthly shopping (especially for beauty stuffs, I'm just curious)
11. Can you.... Cook??
I will nominate:
-Feegy (I tag you back ci xD)

6 komentar:

  1. Thank youuuu award nya :* Aku balas jawabnnya di sini ya ;) For more http://sabrinatedjo.blogspot.com/2012/11/a-liebster-award.html

    My Questions:
    1. What's your hobby? Reading. Lol.
    2. Since when did you use Makeup? Lately. 21 yo :p
    3. What's your hope for your beauty blog? Success of course :p And longlast :D
    4. Who's inspired you to start blogging? Many beauty bloggers. Ci Phanie, Stella, Kak Hanna, Ce shasha, Shelvi and many more~ :)
    5. What products are in your make up pouch? tinted lip balm.
    6. Which kind of music do you like? Pop, jazz, country, oldies, classic, and all except hard metal and somthing like that. @_@
    7. Do you love your parents? SO MUCH! ><
    8. Holiday or Works, or School? Holiday of course~ :p
    9. What cosmetics brand do you like? So far i use various cosmetics brand. :| Maybe etude house? Hmm...
    10. How much do you spend for your monthly shopping (especially for beauty stuffs, I'm just curious). About 100-150? IDK. >.<
    11. Can you.... Cook?? YES i can cook FRIED RICE. Lol. And omelette, and instant noodle. Lol. And fettucine carbonara. Haha...

    Thanks again for this award :*

    1. Thankyou ci Sab uda jawab ☺ Hë•⌣•hë•⌣•Hë ☺ ^^

  2. thanks mei >< ... aku reply disini ya :D

    1. What's your hobby?
    ====> My hobby is downloading movie hahhah.. and make up -ing >,<
    2. Since when did you use Makeup?
    ====> When i 18 y.o, hhaha too late, >,<
    3. What's your hope for your beauty blog?
    ====> i wish my blog would help girls about make up life ><
    4. Who's inspired you to start blogging?
    ====> all blogger in IBB Group :D
    5. What products are in your make up pouch?
    ====> powder, lip gloss, sun screen ..
    6. Which kind of music do you like?
    ====> i love jazz and classic ..
    7. Do you love your parents?
    ====> of course :D .. with out them, i not like now ><
    8. Holiday or Works, or School?
    ====> works ~.~ i need money for buy make up /slapped
    9. What cosmetics brand do you like?
    ====> etude , coastal scents, y.e.t
    10. How much do you spend for your monthly shopping (especially for beauty stuffs, I'm just curious)
    ====> hahahahahahahahahahh ....................... can i skip this answer XD .. ya at least i will post my haul, and u will know xD
    11. Can you.... Cook??
    ====> of course XS ..because wanna be good wifey for my hubby ><

    btw, i tough Larc en ciel u are fans of laruku (japan band) XD ..

  3. Thankyou Arisa udah jawab xD
    Laruku?? Aku malah baru denger skrg hihi ^^

  4. meeeeel, udah ak post yaa jawaban prtanyaannya di blog ku


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