Selasa, 25 Desember 2012
Sabtu, 22 Desember 2012
Event Report: ZAP Fashion & Beauty Talk
Hai semuaa ^^
Kali ini aku post pake bahasa Indonesia lagi yaa, berhubung ZAP adanya di Indonesia nih :D
Jadi, minggu kemarin ZAP mengundang aku untuk datang di ZAP Fashion & Beauty talk Jumat 14 Desember yang berlokasi di ZAP Beauty Center di Jalan Woltermongisidi. Aku ga sendirian pergi ke acara itu, aku ajak Mei juga. Dan mamaku ngotot mau ikut hihihi :p
Acara berlangsung di ZAP Cafe, suasana nyaman deh xD aku suka tempatnya

Acara mulai jam 9.30 dan kita berangkat jam 8 soalnya aku pikir takut ga keburu, dan bener aja ternyata ada kemacetan parah gara2 demo -____- Akhirnya kita baru sampe sekitar jam setengah 11 lewat hampir jam 11.. Untungnya pas kita dateng acara belum mulai, dan acara baru mulai beberapa menit setelah itu..
Pertama MC memperkenalkan kita dengan pemilik ZAP yaitu Fadli Sahab
Selanjutnya ada free skin check, dan free treatment.^^.. Aku check kulit aku dan ternyata aku tipe kulit kombinasi, pori2 besar sekitar pipi, dan jerawat di T-zone :(
Untuk free treatment aku ambil Underarms Treatment. Mengenai treatmentnya bakal aku bahas di post terpisah ya soalnya nanti kepanjangan ><
Nah aku rasa sekian, Thanks for reading, and thanks to ZAP for invited me to this awesome event ^^
PS: Tunggu post aku mengenai underarm treatmentnya yaa :D
Contact ZAP
Kali ini aku post pake bahasa Indonesia lagi yaa, berhubung ZAP adanya di Indonesia nih :D
Jadi, minggu kemarin ZAP mengundang aku untuk datang di ZAP Fashion & Beauty talk Jumat 14 Desember yang berlokasi di ZAP Beauty Center di Jalan Woltermongisidi. Aku ga sendirian pergi ke acara itu, aku ajak Mei juga. Dan mamaku ngotot mau ikut hihihi :p
Acara berlangsung di ZAP Cafe, suasana nyaman deh xD aku suka tempatnya
ada kak Tia disana ^^
Pertama MC memperkenalkan kita dengan pemilik ZAP yaitu Fadli Sahab
Sebelah kiri MC nya, namanya Felisia seinget aku dan yang sebelah kanan pemilik ZAP :D
Lalu mulailah pembicaraan mengenai topik pertama yaituuu Fashion. Jujur aku kurang tertarik kalo ngomongin masalah fashion ahaha soalnya aku kurang suka Fashion, tapi aku tetep dengerin :p
Ini desainer Oscar Lawalata, pas disebutin namanya aku kaya pernah denger sih *slapped* maklum ya aku ga ngerti dan ga begitu tau soal fashion ><
Dan aku juga ga gitu ngerti apa yang diomongin tapi yang aku dapet 1 hal: mau jadi fashionable ga selalu harus mahal dan yang paling penting kita percaya diri dan sesuai sama kepribadian kita :D
Berikutnya sesi yang aku suka niiih ngomongin tentang makeup xDD
Pembicaranya Makeup Artist Iwwan Haroun. Yaah aku lupa detailnya pokonya dia makeup artist hebat deh :p
Dia jelasin kalo makeup tuh ada sheer coverage, medium coverage dan full coverage. Biasa yang sheer untuk sehari2, medium buat pergi ke pesta, dan yang full biasanya buat artis2 kaya KD, Syahrini
Abis itu dia langsung praktekin makeupnya ke seorang model yang cantik bangeet *o*
Dimulai dengan pakein foundation
Pokonya sebelum bermakeup-ria, pertama2 kudu mesti bersihin muka dulu!! Iwwan Haroun juga jelasin cara milih shade foundation. Kesalahannya biasa orang Asia suka milih shade yang lebih terang daripada kulitnya sendiri, padahal foundation seharusnya sama dengan warna kulit asli kita. Kalo memang mau pilih yang lebih terang, powdernya harus sama dengan tone kulit asli kita jadi ga keliatan belang. Dia pilih shade 1 tone lebih terang daripada warna kulit modelnya tapi dia set dengan powder yang tonenya sama dengan warna kulit modelnya jadi ga belang dan keliatan natural.
Dan lanjut ke Makeup mata
Ini pas dia lagi pakein eyeliner ke modelnya. Kata iwwan Haroun untuk mata Asia harus pake double Line. Itu teknik pake eyeliner 2 kali, yang pertama di bagian dalem kelopak mata, dibawahnya bulu mata loh, abis itu baru diluarnya lagi diatas bulu mata. Wew aku liatinnya serem, pasti aku sampe keluar aer mata deh ><
Dia juga bilang mata Asia perlu eye contouring atau eye shading, biar mata keliatan lebih terbuka. Buat yang matanya udah belo separo aja, buat yang matanya kecil perlu semuanya.
Dan untuk pake bulu mata palsu, kita mesti ukur dulu sama panjang mata kita, panjang bulu mata palsu harus sama kaya bulu mata kita. Well, kalo aku sih lebih suka bulu mata palsunya agak lebih panjang dari mata asli, soalnya mata asliku tuh sipit buangets T_T
Terakhir pake blush on dan lipstick. Karena makeupnya udah ditonjolin di bagian mata jadi di pipi dan bibir ga usah terlalu ditonjolin, pake warna yang soft aja.
Sesi selanjutnya mengenai cara merawat kulit oleh Dr. Octarina Zamrud (seinget aku gitu yah namanya CMIIW)
Dia juga membahas soal skincare ga jelas yang berbahaya yang mengandung merkuri dan hidroquinon. Kalau pake krim yang mengandung mercuri bisa timbul flek2 yang warna abu2, dan kalo pake krim yang ada hidroquinon lama kelamaan bisa timbul flek warna kecoklatan.
Serem yah??
Tapi masih banyak kok cara rawat kulit yang aman, contohnya pake cara alami ya masker bengkoang, makan banyak sayur dan buah, tidur cukup, kurangin makanan berminyak, Photo Facial, Chemical Peeling. suntik vitamin C, dll.
Selanjutnya ada free skin check, dan free treatment.^^.. Aku check kulit aku dan ternyata aku tipe kulit kombinasi, pori2 besar sekitar pipi, dan jerawat di T-zone :(
Untuk free treatment aku ambil Underarms Treatment. Mengenai treatmentnya bakal aku bahas di post terpisah ya soalnya nanti kepanjangan ><
Nah aku rasa sekian, Thanks for reading, and thanks to ZAP for invited me to this awesome event ^^
PS: Tunggu post aku mengenai underarm treatmentnya yaa :D
Contact ZAP
Jumat, 21 Desember 2012
The Liebster Award
First of all I want to thank ci Feegy and Arisa for nominated me. Actually they've made post about this award around a month ago and I just remember about this award today :p
And as usual, there are some rules that must be followed
The Rules is :
2. How many languages you can speak? please mention it one by one.
3. Tell me your most unforgettable moment!
4. What is your dream job?
5. Which one do you prefer, fashion or beauty? please tell me the reason :)
6. One beauty product that you can live without (it can be makeup or skincare)
7. Which country you would like to live?why you want to live in there?
8. Tell me the meaning of your blog's name!
9. What are your hobbies?
10. What you fear the most? why?
11. What do you hope for yourself for the next 5 years?
And as usual, there are some rules that must be followed
The Rules is :
1. Say Thank you to who giving you the Awards
2. Write 11 things about yourself
3. answer 11 question from people who tagging you
4. choose 11 blogger, who inspiration you, which their follower less than 200, and post their name in your blog
5. write 11 question for blogger you tag
Let's start with 11 things about me!
1. I'm afraid of dog, but lately I fell for cute dog such as maltese, shih tzu, etc.
2. I love to eat snacks :p
3. I hate when my friends said "You can get high score without study!!".. Come'on I study hard so I can get nice score, and if I don't study I'll get bad score, not as easy as that!
4. I really love circle lens, eyeliner, and something that can makes my eyes look bigger.
5. I have a bestfriend, Meiliyana, and we always together. Many peoples mistaken that we are siblings or even twins.
6. I'm afraid of ghost -___-
7. A makeup and skincare junkie
8. I always spin everything around me (books,pencil, pen, etc)
9. I'm a senior high school student
10. I'm super lazy to get up, if on holiday I can get up at 1-2 pm
11. I'm a gamers, I can't stay up all night just for playing game
Questions from ci Feegy
1. Please introduce yourself :)
helo i am Melissa Y 17 years old i love makeup, skincare, novels, snacks, food :p
2. How many languages you can speak? please mention it one by one.
- Indonesian, and little bit of English
3. Tell me your most unforgettable moment!
- many!!
4. What is your dream job?
-to be a pianist, since I love playing piano, lol
5. Which one do you prefer, fashion or beauty? please tell me the reason :)
-beauty. I don't know why but I don't really like fashion
6. One beauty product that you can live without (it can be makeup or skincare)
- facial foam :p
7. Which country you would like to live?why you want to live in there?
-England, Singapore, Korea xD, USA.. why?? Because I think those country are clean (there aren't any rubbish on the street)
8. Tell me the meaning of your blog's name!
- the name means Rainbow.. It's french.
9. What are your hobbies?
- eating, sleeping, playing games
10. What you fear the most? why?
- Ghosts
11. What do you hope for yourself for the next 5 years?
- to earn much money!!
Arissa's Questions:
- why do you like make up ? because it can enhance beauty
- what is the first make up product you buy ? Eyeliner
- eyeliner, bb cream, powder, what is important for you ? Eyeliner
- what make u interest to be beauty blogger ? to sharing about beauty products I used, and hope that my blog can help someone who search about specific beauty products
- what is your favorite brand make up ? Etude House
- do you like local product or no ? No
- who is your favorite make up guru ? no one since I never watch Beauty Guru on youtube (Slow internet connection)
- when you want buy some make up product, u will ask the money from your parents, or u save your money ? Save my moner
- what you to do when you in long holiday ? Sleeping, hanging out, playing games
- when u in long traveling, what is you important things you will bring ? Shirt, Facial Foam,
- who will you choose ? your parents or your boyfriends? Both
My Questions:
1. What's your hobby?
2. Since when did you use Makeup?
3. What's your hope for your beauty blog?
4. Who's inspired you to start blogging?
5. What products are in your make up pouch?
6. Which kind of music do you like?
7. Do you love your parents?
8. Holiday or Works, or School?
9. What cosmetics brand do you like?
10. How much do you spend for your monthly shopping (especially for beauty stuffs, I'm just curious)
11. Can you.... Cook??
I will nominate:
-Feegy (I tag you back ci xD)
-ci Stefanie
Kamis, 20 Desember 2012
Super Mini Giveaway by Mei and Me
Okay this will be a super quick post.
Are you interested to try permanent hair removal? If yes, me and Mei have 2 Zap voucher worthed idr 200.000 to share and 2 sheet masks.
The rules are super easy!
Click here to join ^^
Well, good luck!
Love, Melissa
Okay this will be a super quick post.
Are you interested to try permanent hair removal? If yes, me and Mei have 2 Zap voucher worthed idr 200.000 to share and 2 sheet masks.
The rules are super easy!
Click here to join ^^
Well, good luck!
Love, Melissa
IBB Makeup Challenge "End of Year Party"
Hai semuanya ^^
Kali ini aku ngeberaniin diri buat ikut makeup challenge dari IBB dengan tema "End of Year Party".. Sejak mulai bulan kemarin IBB ngadain Makeup Challenge, tapi yang bulan kemarin aku ga sempet ikut karena sibuk buat lomba dan UAS ><.. (Buat yang belum tau IBB itu apa, klik disini)
Nah sekarang balik ke makeup challengenya ya. Jujur awalnya aku bingung mau tema makeup seperti apa, alat2 makeup aku terbatas pula T_T.. Tapi akhirnya mendadak muncul ide dikepalaku. Yaitu kombinasi warna silver dan purple. (yah memang warna eyeshadow aku terbatas lagian......) dan juga buat menambah suasana partynya aku tambahin stiker yang blink blikn di dahi. Untuk bibir aku pake warna pink
Oke, inilah hasil akhirnyaaaa..
BTW karena mata aku super kecil dan monolid, susaaaah banget mau ngakalinnya biar mata aku keliatan belo-an dikit gitu -____-.. tapi yah akhirnya berhasil juga sih hihihi. Tadinya aku mau bikin tutorial, cuma kok kayanya acak-acakan banget yah, aku kasih tau step by stepnya aja deh ^^
1. Nah yang paling pertama kita mesti bersihin muka dulu dong :D.. Kalo aku bersihin muka pake facial foam, abis itu pake toner. Banyak orang yang mengabaikan toner, padahal toner itu penting loh! Setelah toning, lanjut dengan memakai pelembab, untuk pelembab aku pakai Garnier Light Complete Cream.
2. Lanjut dengan pakai BB cream, kali ini aku pake Etude House Precious mineral BB Cream. Tapi BB cream ga bisa mencover dark circle aku, aku pake foundation yang coveragenya lebih manteb buat dark circle. Aku pakai foundation Laneige Water Supreme Foundation. Dan pake powder buat set BB cream & foundienya.
4. Saatnya pake eyeshadow ^^.. Pertama di bagian dalam kelopak mata aku pake eyeshadow warna silver, lalu abu-abu dibagian luarnya lagi, dan ungu muda, baru ungu gelap. setelah itu di blend.
5. Pasang bulu mata palsu :D dan satuin bulu mata alsi dengan palsu pake mascara,
6. Aku highligt bagian tulang hidung, bagian atas pipi (apa ya namanya ga tau wahaha) dan bagian tulang alis. lalu pake sedikit blusher di pipi bagian bawah biar ga pucat.
7. Aku pake lipbalm, lipstick dan terakhir pake lipgloss biar bibirnya keliatan lebih glossy dan plump ^^
8. Gambar alis, disini aku ga bikin alisnya tebel2 soalnya ga cocok sama mukaku dan aku cuma ikutin bentuk alis aku aja.
9. Terakhir aku pake sejenis sticker manik2 gitu deh di dahi biar blink-blink xD
Kali ini aku ngeberaniin diri buat ikut makeup challenge dari IBB dengan tema "End of Year Party".. Sejak mulai bulan kemarin IBB ngadain Makeup Challenge, tapi yang bulan kemarin aku ga sempet ikut karena sibuk buat lomba dan UAS ><.. (Buat yang belum tau IBB itu apa, klik disini)
Nah sekarang balik ke makeup challengenya ya. Jujur awalnya aku bingung mau tema makeup seperti apa, alat2 makeup aku terbatas pula T_T.. Tapi akhirnya mendadak muncul ide dikepalaku. Yaitu kombinasi warna silver dan purple. (yah memang warna eyeshadow aku terbatas lagian......) dan juga buat menambah suasana partynya aku tambahin stiker yang blink blikn di dahi. Untuk bibir aku pake warna pink
Oke, inilah hasil akhirnyaaaa..
BTW karena mata aku super kecil dan monolid, susaaaah banget mau ngakalinnya biar mata aku keliatan belo-an dikit gitu -____-.. tapi yah akhirnya berhasil juga sih hihihi. Tadinya aku mau bikin tutorial, cuma kok kayanya acak-acakan banget yah, aku kasih tau step by stepnya aja deh ^^
1. Nah yang paling pertama kita mesti bersihin muka dulu dong :D.. Kalo aku bersihin muka pake facial foam, abis itu pake toner. Banyak orang yang mengabaikan toner, padahal toner itu penting loh! Setelah toning, lanjut dengan memakai pelembab, untuk pelembab aku pakai Garnier Light Complete Cream.
2. Lanjut dengan pakai BB cream, kali ini aku pake Etude House Precious mineral BB Cream. Tapi BB cream ga bisa mencover dark circle aku, aku pake foundation yang coveragenya lebih manteb buat dark circle. Aku pakai foundation Laneige Water Supreme Foundation. Dan pake powder buat set BB cream & foundienya.
3. Abis itu lanjut ke makeup mata. Aku ga punya eye primer, jadi aku pake foundation disekeliling mata buat jadi primer. Pertama2 pake eyeliner dulu di sekeliling mata, mata aku monolid jadi mau ga mau eyelinernya mesti tebel kalo ga ya ga bakal keliatan ><.. Tapi dibagian bawah jangan garis sampe ujung, aku cuma setengah aja. Abis itu di waterlinenya dikasih eyeliner putih (aku ga punya jadi pake yang silver) buat bikin ilusi mata yang lebih besar gitu deh.
5. Pasang bulu mata palsu :D dan satuin bulu mata alsi dengan palsu pake mascara,
6. Aku highligt bagian tulang hidung, bagian atas pipi (apa ya namanya ga tau wahaha) dan bagian tulang alis. lalu pake sedikit blusher di pipi bagian bawah biar ga pucat.
7. Aku pake lipbalm, lipstick dan terakhir pake lipgloss biar bibirnya keliatan lebih glossy dan plump ^^
8. Gambar alis, disini aku ga bikin alisnya tebel2 soalnya ga cocok sama mukaku dan aku cuma ikutin bentuk alis aku aja.
9. Terakhir aku pake sejenis sticker manik2 gitu deh di dahi biar blink-blink xD
Sekali lagi ini bukan tutorial yaa aku cuma mau share step by stepnya jadi maaf kalo kurang jelas ^_^
sekarang saatnya pamer hasil akhirnya deh, berhubung aku narsis juga jadi banyak fotonya xD
Foto diambil dari berbagai pecahayaan yang berbeda.
Detail Makeup Mata
Eyeshadownya agak smudge ><
itu sebenernya aslinya warnanya keliatan cuma gatau napa kamera aku ga bisa nangkep warna ungunya T_T
Produk yang aku pake:
-Garnier light complete cream
-Etude House Precious Mineral BB Cream
-Garnier light complete cream
-Etude House Precious Mineral BB Cream
-Laneige Water Supreme Foundation
- Lancome Maqui Blanc Miracle
-Highliter and Blush on from Body Shop (ga tau namanya)
-Maybelline Eyestudio Lasting Drama Gel Liner
-Etude House Proof 10 Jewelry Pencil
-Maybelline Hyper Diamonds Pallet #WN-1
-Maybelline Diamond Glow #01 Coper Brown
-Just Miss Eye Shadow #ES 223
-Maybelline magnum Mascara
-Maybelline magnum Mascara
-Pandora Vanilla Shake in Blue
-False Lashes from Kay Collection
-Viva eyebrow pencil
-Maybelline Baby lips
-Maybelline lipstick # Bon Bon Pink
-Laneige Snow Crystal Pure Lipgloss
Nah akhirnya aku bisa juga bikin mataku yang super sipit ini keliatan lebih belo lah hehehe. Sayang ya latar belakangnya kurang memadai, maafkan akuuuu ._.
Buat yang belum ikut ayo segera join, hari ini pendaftaran terakhirnya loh! Bagaimana menurut kalian hasilnya?? Kritik dan saran sangat diterima ^^
Thanks for reading!!
Love, Melissa
Minggu, 16 Desember 2012
Maybelline Eye Studio Lasting Drama Gel Eyeliner (Review)
Good night and hello everyone! ^^
Today I don't go anywhere so I can make a review about this eyeliner. If you read post about my Chirstmas Swap with ci Feegy before, you must be know that I got this eyeliner from her several weeks ago.
To be honest, this is my first gel eyeliner. I always wanted to try this gel eyeliner because I've read so many good review about this eyeliner and then ci Feegy gave this baby to me ^^
This eyeliner comes in a very simple packaging, made from glass and the cap reminds me of bottle's cap??
I don't really like it's packaging since I prefer the cute one xD
It has creamy texture and glides easily on my eyelid, I find it's much easier to use this eyeliner if compare to my liquid eyeliner.
it also comes with a brush, I never owned an eyeliner brush before so I don't know wether it's nice quality brush or so-so, but I really love this brush! It has really soft bristles and really easy to draw any line (exept for super thin line)..
Swatches on My Hand
The colour show up well! the left and centre one were only one swipe, and the right one was two swipes.
Nah it seems to be a really good waterproof and smudgeproof eyeliner, doesn't it? Will it lasts long on my oily eyelids? We'll see!
On My Eyes
After 4 hours. I used foundation as a primer because I don't have any eye primer T_T.. It smudged badly at the outer corner of my eyes. ( I only wore lasting drama eyeliner at that time!)
With Liquid Eyeliner On Top it..
No smudge!! I applied the eyeliner at 7.30 am when I was about to attend a beauty event (will make a post about it soon!)
it smudged a little at the outer corner, but it just great! even almost 12 hours it still there, different with using this eyeliner alone huh?? btw I was using Etude House Proof 10 Liquid Liner (read the review here)..
What I like:
-Easy to use
-Comes with a nice brush
-Really long lasting if apply with liquid eyeliner on top it even for my super oily eyelids.
What I hate:
-Smudge when applied alone without liquid eyeliner
-When smudge my eyes look like 'Panda Eyes'
-Not cute packaging *slapped*
Although it smudge when applied alone I really love this eyeliner. Because if I only use liquid eyeliner it still smudge, but if I use both of them (liquid on top) it becomes a great duo that can last all day!!
Repurchase? I don't know, I want to search another gel eyeliner that better than this one, maybe Catallina Geo?
Thanks for reading sweeties, have you tried this eyeliner? Any recomendation for good gel eyeliner? Please let me know ^^
Love, Melissa
Sabtu, 08 Desember 2012
Etude House Wonder Pore Freshner (Review)
Good night ladies!
This is my second post today ^^, and I will do a review about Etude House Wonder Pore Freshner.
I have been using this toner since August 2012. Before I tried this I have tried the skin Malgeum toner and it made me break out -___-". Maybe you have seen this product on my September haul. I got it's 25ml travel size on August and it last for around 3 weeks for me.
Description: Wonder Pore Freshner is a total solution for pore care, preventing enlarged pores, less firmer skin and skin troubles by eliminating what hurts skin health from within.
It Claims to
Mine is the 250ml size, this toner has 500ml size but I think it's too big so I just bought the 250ml size. And about the packaging, Etude House never disappoint me xD.. It is a cute packagin for a toner
It even comes with illustration on it's box and I really like the illustration xDD
It said that this toner can eliminate "Demodex".. It's a kind of tiny parasite that live in our skin especially near hair follicles. Click here to know more about demodex.
But this toner doesn't come in a pump type T_T.. Sometimes this toner comes out too much :'(
So far the toner doesn't make me break out but about what it claims I will spell it out one by one :p
-Maintain PH 4.5 +- 1.. I don't know about this because I can't measure my skin's PH
-Refine the skin tones. Haven't seen any improve at my skin tones, but my skin feel smoother
-Keep the elasticity of pores. I don't know about this too :p
-Deep cleanse pores. Yes, this toner really clean my pores ( I think) usually I use toner after wash my face so my face is suppose to be super clean, right? But after I wipe my face with toner and I see the result is the cotton I used for wiped my face was turned to be yellowish a bit. So it can cleanse what facial foam can't xD
-Minimize appearance of pores. I have big pores around my nose especially after extracted the blackhead -___-.. after used this my pores didn't become smaller, but I think it became less visible.
-Control large amount of sebum. I have oily face. Yeah this makes my face less oily but doesn't really control large amount of sebum like it claims.
-Moisturize inside and outside of skin. I don't feel this toner moisturize my skin but it doesn't make my skin dry after used this ^^
Oh ya I read a review that this toner can be used as makeup remover too, interesting huh? But it's true! When I was too tired to wash my face ( I know I'm super lazy!) I used this toner to cleanse my waterproof eyeliner, BB cream and it really removed my waterproof eyeliner and BB cream.But I don't recommend you to cleanse your makeup only with this toner, always do double cleansing!
It has soft scent, I can't describe it, but I don't like it's scent ><
What I like:
-Cheap, around idr 100.000-120.000 (forgot the price T_T) for 250 ml.
-Makes my face less oily
-Makes my face became smoother
-Cute Packaging
-Can be used as makeup remover
What I hate:
-Doesn't come in a pump type for it's 250ml size
-It's scent
-Haven't seen any improve at my skin tones
Nah that's all thanks for visiting my blog ^^.. Have you tried this toner?? Please comment :D
Love, Melissa
I bought this product with my own money
I'm not paid for doing this review
This is my honest review and opinion, it can work different on your skin maybe better maybe worse
Please don't copy my post & picture without my permission
Advertorial: Lil'Shaww Lens
Malam semua! ^^
Aku mau memperkenalkan satu olshop baru yang menjual contact lens yaitu Lil'Shaww Lens..
Ownernya adalah teman bloggerku Marsha. Dan Lil'Shaww Lens hanya menjual Contact Lens yang asli dan masih di segel dengan harga yang terjangkau
. Lil'Shaww Lens menjual Contact Lens merk Geo, EOS, Barbie, Miss Eye, dan masih banyak lagi. Selain menjual contact lens, Lil'Shaww juga menjual aksesoris yang lucu2.
Nah bagi reader aku, ada discount 5% untuk setiap pembelian contact lens dengan menyebutkan kode: "MY23"
Ada free ongkir juga untuk ke Jabodetabek, ayo tunggu apalagi kamu bisa mendapatkan discount 5% dan juga free ongkir untuk yang tinggal di Jabodetabek ^^
BB Pin: 2A4FF6C2
FB: (For Lens) (For Accesories)
Twitter: @LilShaww
Aku mau memperkenalkan satu olshop baru yang menjual contact lens yaitu Lil'Shaww Lens..
Ownernya adalah teman bloggerku Marsha. Dan Lil'Shaww Lens hanya menjual Contact Lens yang asli dan masih di segel dengan harga yang terjangkau
. Lil'Shaww Lens menjual Contact Lens merk Geo, EOS, Barbie, Miss Eye, dan masih banyak lagi. Selain menjual contact lens, Lil'Shaww juga menjual aksesoris yang lucu2.
Nah bagi reader aku, ada discount 5% untuk setiap pembelian contact lens dengan menyebutkan kode: "MY23"
Ada free ongkir juga untuk ke Jabodetabek, ayo tunggu apalagi kamu bisa mendapatkan discount 5% dan juga free ongkir untuk yang tinggal di Jabodetabek ^^
BB Pin: 2A4FF6C2
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Rabu, 05 Desember 2012
Laneige Snow Crystal Pure Lipgloss (review)
Good night!
I'm back with a new review about my fave lipgloss. Usually I'm not a big fan of lipgloss because I think the colour is usually just sheer, and when I applied it on my lips it just give glossy look and it give no difference to my pale lips color, but this lipgloss has changed my mind! Few weeks ago Mei gave me this mini size lipgloss from laneige. She got it from Laneige Water Supreme Makeup Give 3 Set.
Curious? Let's see the review.
- Excellent light reflection effect as glossy as top coat for maximum effect
- Stick-free and supple texture to leave the lips more comfortable
- Clear and subtle tone for the natural color of lips
How to use:
1. Draw lip line with lip liner.
2. Gently apply on lips from inner part to outer. For delicate expression apply with LANEIGE lip brush.
I'm back with a new review about my fave lipgloss. Usually I'm not a big fan of lipgloss because I think the colour is usually just sheer, and when I applied it on my lips it just give glossy look and it give no difference to my pale lips color, but this lipgloss has changed my mind! Few weeks ago Mei gave me this mini size lipgloss from laneige. She got it from Laneige Water Supreme Makeup Give 3 Set.
Curious? Let's see the review.
Name: Laneige Snow Crystal Pure Lipgloss
Pure Lip Gloss: Smooth high-glossy lip gloss in pure colors- Excellent light reflection effect as glossy as top coat for maximum effect
- Stick-free and supple texture to leave the lips more comfortable
- Clear and subtle tone for the natural color of lips
How to use:
1. Draw lip line with lip liner.
2. Gently apply on lips from inner part to outer. For delicate expression apply with LANEIGE lip brush.
Nah, I got mine in mini size, it's only 1.5 gram with a cute phone strap, I always love mini size packaging with phone strap xD.. And I think the shade is Cherry Pink (LR09), check from here
although it is only the mini size but it is a good packaging for the mini one <3
Swatch on my hand
The texture is like other lipgloss, a bit sticky and this lipgloss is slightly shimmery, and when applied, the shimmer is hardly seen.
Swatches on my lips
Without flash.. Sorry for my ugly, pale lips ._.
With flash.. The color shows up well on my lips, it gives me fresh and healthy looking lips (well I always have super pale lips T_T).. And with this my face doesn't look as pale as it usually does. In the photo without flash the color looks so pinkish, but in real life it doesn't look so pinkish like that.
This lipgloss will gone after I eat or drink, just like other lipgloss. And if I don't eat the lipgloss will stay for about 4 hours and after that the glossy effect will start to fade. But so far this is my best lipgloss ever! it's much much much better than my Etude House Juicy Pop Tube xD
What I like:
-Pretty color
-The color shows up well
-Cute packaging xD for mini size
What I hate:
-Pricey, it's around idr 220.000 for the fullsize and I think it's super expensive for just a lipgloss -___-
Repurchase? I really do want to repurchase the full size one of course, but it's just too expensive for me hahahaha :p
Thanks for reading, how do you think about this lipgloss?? ^^
Love, Melissa
Senin, 03 Desember 2012
My FOTD Using New Eyeliner :p
Hello ladies! How's your day? Mine was fun! I ate dimsum all you can eat at Royal Jade, and I ate really much that I thought my stomach will explode x_x
But today I won't share my FOTD from today. This is my FOTD from last Saturday when I was going out with my boyfie and my little brother. And I was using new Maybelline Long Lasting Drama Eyeliner from ci Feegy.. Curious? I will review it soon xD
But today I won't share my FOTD from today. This is my FOTD from last Saturday when I was going out with my boyfie and my little brother. And I was using new Maybelline Long Lasting Drama Eyeliner from ci Feegy.. Curious? I will review it soon xD
I looks like a duck in this pict -____-
That time I tried different style on lining my eye, usually I always made 'failed' cat eyes, but not that time.
Eye Makeup Detail
Products I used
-Garnier Light Complete Cream
-Etude House Preciouse Mineral Sun BB Cream
-Maybelline Long Lasting Drama Eyeliner
-Etude House Proof 10 Jewelry Pencil
-Circle lens: Pandora Vanilla Shake in Blue
-Maybelline Lipstick
-Laneige Snow Crystal Pure Lipgloss
Nah, that's all, thanks for reading my post..
Love, Melissa
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