Kamis, 30 Agustus 2012

August Haul!! yeaaay!!

Hellooooo how are you today? I hope you all fine, not like me. I'm sick today! I was absent for school today so I have time to make this post on daytime like this. I really tired this week T_T. I woke up around 3-4 a.m on the morning almost everyday and sleep at midnight. I slept late not because I want to watch movie, play game or etc lah, I must study for tests and quizzes and there are so many projects that haven't finished until now! And those all things made me frustated gyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! So I need refreshment and I think to make a blogpost about my haul this month.

-Laneige Perfect Renew Trial kit (3 items)
-Etude House Aloe Sheet Mask
-Purederm Collagen eye zone mask
-Etude house chocolate milk talk (sample)
-Laneige Sunblock Triple spf 40 PA++
-Laneige Water Supreme Foundation
-Laneige Water sleeping pack
-Laneige Perfect Renew Emulsion
-Hanyul Optimizing Serum ( I got 6 samples yeaaay!)
-Ovale Lemon Facial Mask
-Biore Pore Pack
-Shiseido Blackhead Remover mask
-Skin79 pink bb cream (sample)

Some of Laneige stuffs are my mom's but she said that I can use it everytime I want so I think it's mine too? :p.. I use perfect renew kit for my nose & eyes, I don't know why but there are some wrinkles on my nosebridge and under the eyes ;__; am I that old?? The wrinkles around nose appeared since I was in 9 grade! maybe it's because I used to pinch my nose everyday in order to get sharp nose (foolish me ._.) I noticed that most of my friends have wrinkles around eyes too, some of them even have severe wrinkles around eyes.

I'm not going to review all of them, just a few maybe if I have time (I'm super busy LOL) which one do you want me to review? Tell me please ^^

Thanks for reading my post sweeties :*
Love, Melissa

21 komentar:

  1. itu cuma kelelahan makanya ada keriput muncul,
    bukan penuaan kok ^^
    bagusnya, tidur teratur n jaga pola makan saja ^^
    aku dulu begitu kok
    gara2 sering begadang,
    ujung2 dulu jam 8 malam sudah tidur
    and wrinkle nya ilank XD

    1. hiks hiks aku kira aku dah jadi menua T.T abis selama ini wrinklenya ga pernah ilang :'(
      aku susah banget buat tidur teratur apalagi musim2 ulangan begini >< dan pola makan aku juga buruk wew, aku bakal coba jaga pola makan
      thanks yaa sarannya xD

  2. hi melissa, FYI, as I know, your Shiseidos are fake products ><
    The real product should be in orange sheet.
    I suggest you to not using it.. but still, it's up to you,dear^^
    I have the review: http://littlecupcak.blogspot.com/2012/06/review-shiseido-naturgo-black-mud-peel.html

    1. Hah iya? Padahal aku belinya di olshop trpercaya loh >< *colek mylovelysister.com* kalo yang aku search di google jstru malah yg oren naturgo itu yg palsu.
      Thanks udah kshtw ya ^^

  3. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  4. banyaak kaak :D ditunggu review aloe masknyaa XD hihihihihi *penyuka mask* wkkwkwkw
    cepet sembuh yaaaw kaak :D

    1. Hohoho aku juga penyuka mask *toss* akan direview scepatnya, ditunggu yaa xD
      Thanks marsha :*

    2. btw aloe mask nya berapaan kaak? =3 wkwkwkw *toss~~* :D

    3. Kalo di olshop skitar 12-18 rb kalo di counter 28rb, mnding beli di olshoop kcuali kamu ada member card pas hari ultah disc 50% ngborong deh xD

  5. so many samples! :) nice haul


  6. it maybe not a wrinkles, tp smile line. which is good :D
    i'm following you back, melisaa. you have a cute blog :D

    1. Smile lines? Aku baru pernah denger itu huaa, semoga ya itu smile lines ><
      Thanks for the compliment :*

  7. wah ini mah namanya bolos sekolah nih. hehehe *kidding :p
    biore pore pack kita sama nih ^^

    oiya salam kenal ya~~ hope we can be friends :)

    1. Ih jahat deh dibilang bolos (╥_╥) wkwkwk. Tpi biore porepack ga mempan di aku ><
      Salam kenal juga ☺ Hë•⌣•hë•⌣•Hë ☺

  8. hai dear! i also give you a versatile blogger award through my blog :)


    hope you check it out and have a good day! :D

  9. penasaran sama laneige nya ^^ hehe
    btw melisa, setauku emg sebaiknya jangan pencet2 hidung/massage wajah di saat sedang tidak pakai produk apa2 sih, krn bs memicu wrinkle. Biasanya pake massage oil dulu baru boleh dipegang/massage =)

    1. Laneige yang mana ci?? Hehehe. Pantesan ya diidung aku ad wrinkle T_T
      Dulu ppa aku sring sruh kalo mau mancung idungnya ditarik2 >_< *feel so stupid now*

  10. Hai mel, bisa tau ga where to buy the Laneige perfect renew trial kit. Susaaaah banget nyarinya.. Apalagi yg isi 5. Thanx ^^


    1. Hallo Imelda :D
      Wah kalo beli dimana aku juga krg tau tapi aku dapet bonus dari saudara aku soalnya aku beli di dia, coba add pin bb nya 282B0B87 ^^


I always reply to your comment, please check back in few days!! ^^