Selasa, 31 Juli 2012

Bare Naked Face Tag xD

I make this post because I'm inspired by Ci Shelvi to post my bare naked face :p, without any make up or circle lens. Yeah I always go to school without any make up, but I often wear contact lenses, so it's quite different when I'm not using circle lens

The Rules:
Capture yourself without any makeup and contact lenses.

Me without anything on my face :p
 Tired eyes, dark circle, Messy hair but I don't care lah, I just want to show my bare face :p

And this is me while using contact lens, I looks quite different when using contact lens, my eyes look bigger

I took this pic around early May, when I slept well so my dark circle wasn't terrible like now ;__;
and at that time my skin condition was very good, no pimples, no blemish T.T

Now, since I confuse who will I tag so I will just tag everyone :D

Minggu, 29 Juli 2012

My Handmade stuff, and my lovely sunflower

Monday again, but I'm happy today, I went home from school two hours earlier because my teacher was absent hohohoho. I only write when my mood is good :p
So today I want to share about my handmade stuff

Handmade Ribbon Rose
These are my handmade rose. I made this actually because of my school project I must make a rose from ribbon, wire coated with crepe paper for it's stem and leaves. But these roses not for my school project. I made it for my bf, I decided to made a bouquet for valentine present for my bf. And he is happy ^^
Yeah I forgot to take a pic when the bouquet was finished but it's ok lah.

And I think I will made a tutorial for this ribbon rose if I have spare time, anyone want tutorial for making ribbon rose? hehe :D

Some flannel stuff

I made a snowgirl doll from flannel, I initially wanted to make 'her' as a broach, but I forgot to do it's lost now ._.
And that's Domo-kun pouch. I made it for my blackberry. I love domo, it's so cute xD

My Lovely Sunflower

 I planted all of my sunfie from a seed! It is a great enjoyment for me to see a single seed develop into a adult plant :')
Please don't use my sunflower photo without my permission because I took care of them with much effort, I watered them everyday morning and evening, I gave them fertilizer, moved them inside when it was raining outside, got rid of all bugs with my own hand, and when they were blooming I'm so happy :')
But yeah, they are dead now, sunflower will dead after they flowering so I'm not sad when they're dead :)

Oh ya I will get my own Camera really soon so there won't be any blurr pictures and I don't need to borrow my brother camera anymore, I always have to fight with him if I want to borrow his camera.
Actually I want to do a review about my Geo princess mimi today but I forgot to take the picture when the lens in it's case so maybe tomorrow.. 

Ok thanks for reading my post ^^ sorry my english is terrible but I just want to share :D

Jumat, 27 Juli 2012

About my life recently and my thought

Hallo semuaaaaaa, apa kabar?? Semoga selalu baik dan sehat :D
Kali ini aku ga bakal posting soal review makeup, foto2 atau skincare, aku cuma mau cerita sedikit soal kehidupan aku belakangan ini dan pemikiran aku, jadi yah bakal ngebosenin, kalo ga tertarik close aja yaa hehehe ;)

Belakangan ini aku lagi mikir, kenapa ya aku bikin blog? Aku jujur suka nulis, tapi aku ga pinter nulis. Pertama kali aku bikin blog sekitar hampir setahun yang lalu. di blog aku yang itu ampir ga ada pembaca. sampe sekarang trafficnya mentok di angka 100an (oke setelah ampir setaun). Dan aku bikin blog itu gara2 tugas sekolah, guru nyuruh kita bikin blog, boleh tentang apa aja. Di blog aku yang dulu itu aku isinya cuma copy paste semua loh, dan cuma 1 post yang murni bikinan aku, tentang sunflower aku (oh iya aku lupa bilang kalo aku pecinta tumbuhan). Mungkin gara2 semua copas jadinya no reader deh.
Nah belakangan aku tertarik bikin blog baru, tapi aku bingung juga mau diisi tentang apa. Tentang tumbuhan belakangan ini aku dilarang papaku tanam tumbuhan yang aneh2 sejak venus fly trap ku wafat T_T sampe nangis loh aku.
Terus aku sama Mei lagi lumayan gila makeup sejak liat temenku yang bener2 jago dandan dan peralatan makeupnya lengkap banget. Jadi kira2 sekitar bulan Januari aku mulai suka dengan makeup. Aku bikin blog ini bulan April, dan karena bingung mau diisi apa yasudahlah aku isi dengan makeup/skincare yang aku beli.
Barulah diakhir bulan Juni aku ketemu IBB. Nah seneng banget waktu tau ada komunitas buat Blogger. Waktu aku bikin blog ini aku sama sekali gatau soal apa itu Beauty Blogger, aku cuma post yang aku mau aja. Sekarang aku juga ga yakin blog aku ini beauty blog. Mungkin aku bakal sering2 post tentang kehidupan aku, dan tumbuhan mungkin kalo diperbolehin tanem lagi :p 

Sekarang Aku mau cerita tentang pesta ulang tahun aku kemarin2.. Aku super seneng temen2 hadir semua kecuali 1 orang yang entah karena alesannya apa aku juga gatau dan ga ada kabar sama sekali, tapi gapapa lah aku udah cukup senang banyak banget yang dateng. Dan aku ga nyangka ternyata mereka kasih aku surprise kue red velvet, and that's my favorite cake!!
Pantesan beberapa hari sebelum ultah aku si Mei (my bestie) tanya2 terus soal kue, tapi cara tanya dia sama sekali ga bikin aku curiga, dia tanya "kue apa yang enak ya mel? Rainbow cake enak ga sih? Aku lagi kepengen coba nih". Nah aku dengan polosnya bilang kalo red velvet lebih enak jauh dari rainbow cake dan akhirnya Mei dkk beliin aku kue red velvet deh, thanks a lot my friends, I love you all :*

Tapi di pesta ultahku itu juga tetep ada yang bikin kesel. Aku merasa kaya jadi pelayan di pesta ultahku sendiri. Keren kan? :')
Waktu pesta ultah aku di deket pintu masuk ada meja buat taro ucapan terima kasih berupa bungkusan cookies buat tamu yang dateng. Nah waktu teman2ku dateng aku langsung ngomong, ucapan terimakasih ambil di meja yaaa, itu pas mereka belum ketempat duduk, masih di pintu masuk loh.
 Temen2ku yang lain pada dengerin jadi semua ambil sendiri ucapan terimakasihnya. Nah ada beberapa temenku yang asik sendiri jadi dia ga dengerin sama sekali aku ngomong apa (aku juga ga terlalu deket sama dia). Waktu itu aku juga ga nyadar kalo dia belum ambil ucapan terimakasihnya, duduklah dia ditempatnya sekelompok sama teman2 baiknya (kira2 sekitar  7 orang)
Terus aku muter2 lah disana, ga mungkin dong aku cuma duduk disatu tempat hahaha, aku juga mau nyapa dan ajak ngobrol teman2 yang lain. Pas giliran aku ketempat temenku yang ga ambil ucapan terimakasih itu dia ngomong (dengan suara keras) "Kok gw ga dikasih ucapan terimakasih sih! yang lain dikasih, ambilin dong buat 7 orang!",, Oke, waktu itu aku masih hepi2 aja ya hmm.. Aku ambilin deh ucapan terimakasihnya dari meja didepan sampe ke meja dia. Dan lanjut muter2 lagi. Pas aku ketempat dia lagi, dia ngomong lagi dan dengan suara keras lagi "Kok kuenya ga dibagi sih, gw mau coba red velvet! eh gw mau macaron nya aja deh". diatas kue aku ada macaron nya, cuma 2 dan dia minta itu WTH , makanannya aja belum dateng, setau aku dimana2 juga makanan utama dulu baru nanti kue. Lagi dengan sabar aku jawab "Nanti ya tunggu abis makan dulu, hehe".. Ok finish.
Terus dia ga dapet pulpen buat catet makanan, alhasil aku disuruh cari pulpen, oke gini kenapa ga panggil waitress aja dan minta pulpen ke dia? Hari itu aku mesti bener2 sabar, ga lucu banget di pesta ultah sendiri aku marah-marah.
TERAKHIR, waktu dia udah selesai makan aku bilang kue udah dipotong, kalo mau ambil aja ya. DAN DIA DENGAN NADA NYOLOTNYA NYURUH AKU AMBILIN KUE. OKE AMBILIN KUE BUAT DIA DAN TEMEN-TEMENNYA WTF BANGET. Ampir meledak aku, tapi tetep tahan emosi, ga mungkin aku marah2 di pesta sendiri.
Dan pas acara foto bareng semuanya, harusnya semua temen ikut kan? Waktu itu fotografernya sepupu aku dan dia udah mau pulang jadi suruh semuanya kumpul foto dulu. Aku sama Mei panggilin temen2 buat foto bareng, semua kecuali dia dan beberapa teman dia sekitar 4 orang udah ngumpul. Aku sama Mei udah teriak panggilin dia, dia ga peduli tetep asik sendiri sama temannya yang lain. And wtf I don't care about her lah, it's my party not her, and it must go on, ga mungkin kan gara-gara dia doang aku jadi batal foto sama semua temen2ku yang lain. Giliran sepupu aku udah pulang dia baru tanya "kok kita ga foto rame2?". T.T
Salah apa ya aku sampe begini........

Dan sekolah oh sekolah. Aku rasa aku bakal cape banget di kelas 12 ini. Sekarang mungkin masih santai2 aja dan aku masih bisa hangout sama teman2. Tapi nanti semester 2? Aku bakal disekolah dari pagi sampe sore 6 hari dalam seminggu mungkin. Ngebayanginnya aja aku udah takut duluan :'(
Guru-guru juga menuntut nilai yang tinggi untuk UN taun depan. UN mat aku berani jamin pasti bagus lah, guru mat disekolahku bener2 hebat, dia rajin, tegas, tapi yah baik juga sama murid, biarpun aku ga terlalu suka sama dia gara2 aku pernah di bom ._. tapi Geografi? Sosiologi? Ekonomi? Geografi gurunya selalu bercanda ga jelas. Ekonomi guru mengajar dengan style ngedongeng mode. Sosiologi entah gurunya yang kepinteran ato gimana sampe semua murid mesti sepinter dia..
Jadi aku stressssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss buangeeeetttt huhuhu :'(

Sekian dulu deh, nah buat yang udah baca thanks banget yah mau baca tentang curhatan aku yang sumpah ga jelas banget, tapi aku ngerasa lega udah tulis ini, thankssssss :*

Cc Lulu Giveaway

Kali ini postinganku tentang giveaway yang diadain cici Lulu nih hihihi. Aku tau blognya dari IBB belum lama ini, suka iseng2 baca blog, pas baca blognya sukaaa banget, gaya nulisnya asik banget nah sayangnya aku lebih sering buka2 blog pake hp dan jujur ribet banget kalo mau komen (bb butut sering sekali jam pasir) jadi aku cuma jadi silent reader deh :p

Nah back to topic, hadiah buat giveawaynya buanyak banget loh:
cc Lulu dengan sangat berbaik hati juga ngadain giveaway buat yang ga punya blog, tentunya hadiahnya berbeda tapi tetep WOW
Ini hadiah buat para blogger

 Dan yang ini untuk yang ga punya blog

Aku ga nyangka hadiahnya sebanyak ini, ngiler banget liatnya *o* huahahahahha, thanks ci Lulu for this amazing giveaway
Enter the giveaway here!

Versatile Blogger Award

Hello everyone, I want to share a good news xD
I got my really first blogger award!! It's Versatile Blogger Award.. Thank you so much Jesslyn Sastradinata and Alexandra for nominating me, I'm so happy :')

These are the rules of Versatile Award
1. Nominate 15 fellow bloggers who are relatively new to blogging.
2.  Let the nominated know that they have been nominated for this award.
3. Share 7 random facts about yourself.
4. Thank the blogger who has nominated you.
5. Add the Versatile Blogger Award to your post.

7 random facts about myself:
- I have a really large forehead -_-
- I'm a crazy gamer
- I love playing piano but I haven't any, only have keyboard ._.
- I love circle lens <3
- I can study all entire night for my final exams
- I love to sing but my voice is terrible :p
- I love my family, my bff and my bf <3

And these are 15 blogger who I nominate for Versatile Blogger Award xD

Kamis, 26 Juli 2012

My Late July Haul & some random things :D

Hello everyone, how are you today? I'm happy today, I got my ID Card today!! Yaaaay! Last Monday was my birthday and I am 17 now ^^
nah this is my haul not much eh, there are some thing that left, I forgot where I put them -_-
and sorry for the blur pic, I took this with my phone camera
Okay there are some sample, but I include them, sorry :p
So they are:
-Etude House Proof 10 Liquid Liner {review coming soon}
-Etude House Proof 10 Jewelry Pencil #1 Metallic Silver {review coming soon}
-Etude House Petit darling nails
-Etude house mask #Pomegranate {review coming soon}
-Clean & Clear Oil Control Film
-Etude house Nymph Aura Volumer #3 Transparent (sample)
-Etude House Baking powder B.B deep cleansing foam (sample)
-Etude House Precious Mineral BB Cream (sample)
-Geo Princess Mimi #Green apple {review coming soon}
-Etude House Wonder pore freshner (sample, but it's 25ml! much for a sample)
-Etude House skin malgem toner & moisturizer

And now I want to share about my birthday party ^^. But I haven't many pictures, all the pictures are in Mei and my cousin's camera -_- So I will just post pic in my phone

Me with my cousin :D my eyes are so small ><
 With my Friend

Aaaaannddddd about my cake hohohoho, I really love my cake, but it have been eaten out now T_T I'm so saaaad T_____________________T
Nah this is my cake
Again sorry for the blurry pic.. The cake is made by my request. So, it is me, playing piano hahaha xD, I always wish that I have a grand piano, but that's impossible grand piano is too expensive for my family, I must satisfy with my keyboard now ._.
And I got a lot presents, and I love them all, thank you so much :') *sob
Oh ya I got polaroid from my cousin, cici Ing-ing, thanks cici Ing-ing *hug*
Thanks for reading my post, I hope you like my random post :')

Sabtu, 21 Juli 2012

Purederm Hydro Soothing Cucumber Pads (review)

Hello, good morning everyone (I write this on morning! :p).. Lately I've been worried about my panda eyes (dark circle).. It became darker than before because lack of sleep, on may it was my final exams so I must study hard if I don't want my ranking to drop, and in June there was Euro too, so I was staying up all night when there was match on that night and in July, night became day and day became night for me -_-
So I need a product that can reduce or eliminate my dark circle, the affordable one of course :p
Nah when I was going to carefour a few weeks ago, I bought this Purederm Hydro Soothing Cucumber Pads. Actually I've found this things few months ago, but at that time I thought that I don't need this thing.

Description: PUREDERM Hydro Soothing Cucumber Pads are pre-moistened with real cucumber and other soothing ingredients. When used on top your eyes, these cucumber pads soothe tired, stressed eyes and help reduce puffines and dark circles.

How to use:
1. Wash our face and place pads on top of eyes or other face areas, lie back and relax
2. Leave pads on for 10-15 minutes and remove
3. Make sure reseal zipper bag after use

The packaging is simple, not cute at all T.T 
When I bought this my bf asked me 'Why don't you just buy cucumber at the market??' xD

The pad itself is a round-shape pad patterned like a sliced cucumber with a fresh cucumber scent (yaay I love this scent, before when I bought ovale cucumber mask it smells like a melon!)

When I used this pads, I lied down and tried to relaxing (but failed since my brother was too noisy).. 

Okaay this is my face when I was using the cucumber pads, and my brother call me 'Cucumber man'. When I used this mask I couldn't do anything, so I bored to the max -.-
it's better to put this pads in refrigerator to feel the maximum freshnees but I didn't do it :p

This pads is really affordable I bought this  Rp31.500 or around $3.00 and I got 10 sheets, so I can use this for 5 times.. 
After used this pads I felt that my eye refreshed and it's really cool xD
But I couldn't see any significant result from this pads even though I've used this for 5 times (not in a day of course!) , it didn't reduce my dark circle and didn't reduce my puffiness :(
If I just use this for one time and it doesn't reduce my dark circle I won't wonder lah, but I've used this for 5 times!

What I like:
*refreshed my tired eyes
*smells really nice xD

What I hate:
* I can't do anything when using this mask!
* Don't reduce my dark circle at all -.-
* it really hurt if the essence get into your eyes

Repurchase? No.. I want to look for better eye mask/pads, or maybe I will buy eyecream because my dark circle is horibble.. But it may works for other person, so anyone has tried this? Please comment :D

Thanks for reading my post :D

Senin, 16 Juli 2012

just a random post, OOTD, baju yang aku beli, hari pertama sekolah huehehehehehe

Yuhuuu hallo semuanya, udah lama aku ga posting nih hihihihi lagi sibuk *sok sibuk*.. Kali ini aku posting kembali pakai bahasa Indonesia, gatau kenapa lagi males pake inggris, lagian Inggrisku juga acak-acakan huehehe :p
Kembali ke beberapa hari yang lalu, aku sama mamaku dan teman baik aku Mei dan mama Mei pergi ke ITC Mangga Dua buat cari dress buat sweet seventeen aku nanti (cuma makan2 sih). Dan kaya biasa tiap kali ke mangga dua aku selalu sakit kepala, disitu orangnya buanyaaak sekali aku sampe pusing liatnya huhuhu, memang sih bajunya bagus-bagus rencananya sih aku cuma kesana buat cari dress yah, tapi akhirnya gara2 lapar mata jadi beli beberapa baju laen juga deh xD dan yang aku beli semua bahannya chiffon hihi, aku gatau kenapa lagi pengen yang bahan chiffon aja, selama ini ga punya satupun baju yang berbahan chiffon :p
Ini baju2 yang aku beli

 And this is the dress for my birthday, it's quite simple but I love it!!
 The ribbon detail on the backside is so cute <3<3

Mama aku sih pengennya baju yang lebih 'wah', tapi aku pikir kan cuma acara makan2 biasa doang ngapain pake dress yang terlalu bagus, jadinya aku pilih yang ini deh :p

Nah terus aku mw kasih OOTD aku pas ke pesta ultah temenku 
Ini pas ultah Arna, arna cantik banget sayang foto dia aku ga adaaaaa T.T
 Detailnya ga terlalu keliatan sih ya heheh maaf T.T
Yang paling kiri itu mei, dia yang temenin aku ke Mangga dua xD
Ini pas diultah Sari, detailnya juga ga jelas maaf ya pokonya ada pita motif polkadot yang ketutupan sama rambut dan tangan aku dibagian perut, celananya aku pake hot pants biasa

Naaah kemarin tuh hari pertama aku sekolah, ihiiiy aku udah kelas XII (SMA 3) loh sekarang, ga nyangka deh sebentar lagi lulus xD.. Tapi aku agak ragu soal UN taun depan. Guru matematika aku, Bu Sisca, mau rata2 UN matematika angkatan kita kali ini sekitar 9.6-9.7.. Tinggi banget kan ya permintaan dia?? Kata dia biar UN matematika kita taon depan juga bisa tetep peringkat 1 se DKI.. Taon ini rata2nya aja udah 9.31 kalo taon depan harus 9.6 bagaimana iniiii aaaaa aku stres :'(  
Ngomong2 taon ini aku sekelas sama teman2ku hihihi Oh aku senaaang :D apalagi aku sekelas sama meei xD
Ini penampilan aku pas hari pertama sekolah, suram mode dan ga pake softlens soalnya aku semaleman ga tidur jadi mata sakit duluan, ga berani pake softlens :(
 Nah diliat dari seragamnya ada yang tau ga aku sekolah dimana?? ^^
Terus teman sebelahku ga enak, aku ga suka T_T 
inilah muka aku pas disekolah hari ini mungkin kaya gini terus *bermuram ria*

 Tapi ada yang bikin aku senang juga hari ini, kan aku pesen bantal emoticon dari temenku Gian, hari ini barangnya ada, dan dia bilang ga usah bayar, terus aku bingung kan aku belom bayar tuh bantal loh. Kata Gian ada yang udah bayarin. Hmm.. kira-kira siapa ya?? Aku bingung tapi seneng juga sih. Aku udah tnya bf aku bukan dia juga yang bayarin, tapi gapapa lah hohohoho..

Okay, thanks for reading my useless, random post, but I just feel like to sharing my own life too :)

Rabu, 11 Juli 2012

Ovale facial mask Cucumber (review)

Hello everyone how are you today? I'm feeling sick since yesterday I think because lack of sleep T_T
Nah lately I'm crazy about mask, I want to try every mask (the affordable one of course).. So when I was going to Pluit Village and saw Ovale facial mask at the fresh market with a really cheap price I bought it..
Mine was cucumber.. I picked cucumber because written on the packaging feel smooth fresher & keep firmness, for matte looking face (I love matte looking face!!)

Written on the packaging: Combination of cucumber extract, witch hazel with vitamin C and E in Ovale Facial Mask Cucumber helps to cleanse, keep skin lightness freshen & helps to reduce excessive oil on face. Enriched with algae extract to keep the skin moist. It is very easy to use and helpful in removing dead skin cells. Leaves skin feel smooth, keep firmness, fresh & matte looking.

How to use: Apply to clean dry face and neck, avoiding eyes and lips area. Leave dry for 10-15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water thoroughly.

Ingredients: aqua, zea mays (corn) starch, sorbitol 70, talc, bentonite, titanium dioxide, algae extract, cucumis sativus (cucumber) fruit extract, hammamelis virgiana (witch hazel) extract, polysorbate 20, xanthan gum, sodium polystyrene sulfonate, sodium methylparaben, perfume, citric acid, sodium ascorbyl phosphate, tocopheryl acelate, propylparaben, CI 19140, CI 42051

On my hand

The texture is thick and creamy and it's MELON scent.. I wonder why it has melon scent and not cucumber -__- I hope it's cucumber scent, and the scent is strong (for me, I prefer mild one)

The mask on my face
 I can't apply it evenly ._. but it's ok lah huahahaha, my face looks like a zombie *rawwrrr* when this mask dried out it feels so tight on my face, I can't even smile (afraid that the mask will crack too :p)

After I used the mask
This is my bare face xD look at my dark circle, I looks like a panda!!
I'm sorry no before after pic I forgot to take one before I used the mask. But you can see my face looks matte and I love it! xD
After used this my face didn't oily at all and feel suppler and softer, and when I woke up the next morning my face didn't too oily as usual (my face always super oily when I woke up >:( )

What I like:
*Affordable I bought it for Rp4.800,00 (around $O.5)
*makes my face looks matte
*makes my face not oily
*my face become suppler xD
*makes my face feels soft

What I hate:
*the strong scent :(
*contains paraben
*contains stain (come on that's not a useful subtance in a mask, I don't buy mask because it has green, orange, red, blue colors)
*hard to cleaned -_-

Repurchase? No I want try other mask than better than this hahahaha xD

I recommend this mask for you who have oily skin not for dry skin
I make this review on my own oppinion, the result maybe different with other person

Thanks for reading my post, hope my post worth to read :)

Minggu, 08 Juli 2012

My simple Nail art

My holiday almost finish, and I just spend my holiday in my sweet home :'), how lucky am I.. When I was very boring yesterday I decided to do some nail art, in my school disallow student to use nail polish.

Back to the topic lah, I just want to show you my terrible nail art, it's really a mess T.T

if you see it close up you will see how mess the nail polish is TT^TT I'm really bad at using nail polish, it always untidy!

oh ya I used this stuff

 Etude house petit darling nails, in black color
And the clear one from face shop (I forgot the name), I use this as top coat

About the flower.. try to guess what I used for make the flower..
what did I use to make the flower....
jeng jeng jeng...
I used nail art sticker!!
huahahahaha, it's so easy to use

First, apply the nail polish, then paste the nail stickers, finally apply the top coat, and the nail art is finished!!
But just doing a simple one like this it took a long time for me T_T
I'm really bad at doing nail art huhuhuhu

ok that's enough, thanks for reading my useless post xD

Kamis, 05 Juli 2012

Etude House Nymph Aura Volumer #pure (review)

I got this Nymph Aura Volumer sample when I bought Etude House Juicy pop tube.. When I got this I thought "What's this thing? Is this blush on? Kind of lotion?" But all of my thought was wrong..
This is a kind of cream (mayble) that can makes your face become glowy like most of korean actresses..

Etude House Nymph Aura Volumer : Makeup Multi-Cream promotes skin radiance and glow with plumped up moisture. from
#1 Pure: Diamond Radiance, Excellent adhesion, moisturizing effect and nutrition supply (mine)
#2 Brilliant: Aurora Radiance, Pearl and moisture radiance, glossy and shimmering skin effect
#3 Transparent: Pure and moist Radiance, less glossy and sticky texture

Direction:  Mix Volumer at 1:3 ratio with BB Cream. Use BB/Foundation brush to gather and apply mixture evenly to face.Also applicable as glow highlighter: dispense Volumer onto middle fingers and use fingers to mix and apply glow to forehead, cheekbones and nose bridge.

Swatch on my hand
 The texture is a little sticky (for me), and it's colour is pink-transparent 
oh ya mine is  #1 pure

see? it'll makes my skin looks glowy glowy huahahahaha, if you look a little closer you will notice that it's pearly too

On my face
yeah this is my face, I don't mix this with my bb cream, I use my bb cream as usual (I only use bb cream when hang out or special event, for daily use BIG no), and I used this volumer as highlighter for my nose bridge and cheekbones.

You can see my nose bridge became a kind of glowy, different with my usual looks (I always love matte finish you can see my previous FOTD here)

I took this photo at platinum, the lightning was dim-light so the glowing effect didn't show up well ._.

What I like:
*makes my skin looks glowy ><
*looks dewy
*smells good <3
*you just need very little amount for use

What I hate:
*a bit sticky
*Expensive (for a poor student like me)
*if use too much can make face looks oily, in the first trial I used this volumer too much and my face looks so oily

I recommended this for you who love dewy looks. And not for you who have super oily skin because it can makes your face looks more oily (My face is combination I think, really oily at nose, forehead, not too oily at cheeks and chin dry at nosebridge ._.)

I think I will buy this someday later when I have excess money :p

Oh ya, I just watched "The Amazing Spiderman" last night, and it's really amazing!! I really like the new 'spidey' guy he's so damn awesome so much better than the previous spidey Toby mcguire (if I'm not wrong) ahahahah.. Names Andrew Garfield
 It's different from the previous 1 2 3 spiderman, it's a reboot.. So the story is different too :)
Make sure you watch this movie if you have time, you won't regret ;)

Again, thanks for reading my post it's took a long time to make this post pheww, and sorry for my really bad english ^^

I always reply to your comment, please check back in few days!! ^^